multidimensional array

  1. Jeanc161

    Android Question Define and use multidimensional array as matrix

    Hi all It's been a while since i posted something in the community. But here i'm stuck with some understanding of how to use a multidimensional array as a matix. Let me explain.. I have a multidimensional array like that Dim nTotals = Array as int(2,13,53,8) What the dimension represent firts...
  2. walterf25

    Android Question 2D Float Array Java to B4A

    Hi all, i could probably figure this out myself, but i've been working on an AR library which I will releasing soon to the forums, but I want to wrap as much as I can before i release it, and i'm trying to port a lot of the classes being used to B4A so that we can have full control of the entire...