
  1. M

    Android Question EditText disable "Next" button in keyboard

    Hi everyone, I've an UI setup that can cause problem if an user tap on the "Next" button on the keyboard when writing in an EditText. I wish to know if its possibile to disable it, or intercept its press and cancel the standard behavior (like _KeyPress). At the moment I worked around the...
  2. L

    Android Question EditText: Done without close Keyboard or Next with focus in the same EditText

    I am very noob in b4a. I want to filling a ListView using an EditText. No problem. But I don't want that each time user click on "Done" the keyboard hides since more item should be introduce. Another option is not use 'force Done' and use "Next" which not hide keyboard but then I need to know...
  3. R

    Android Question softkeyboard Done or Next

    Have a panel with a few EditText views and one AutoCompleteEditText. They all have the ime.HandleActionEvent: ime.AddHandleActionEvent(edtID) ime.AddHandleActionEvent(edtFirstname) ime.AddHandleActionEvent(edtSurname) ime.AddHandleActionEvent(edtStreet)...
  4. Android Question click event on an array of labels

    Only been using 4BA since Christmas (had to do something to avoid clearing up!). I've used VB6 on and off for years, but finding the syntax for 4BA frustrating. Simple problem, I need to know which label in an array was clicked. Sub Globals Dim lbllabel(6) As Label Dim X As Int End Sub Sub...
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