
  1. M

    Android Question [B4XPages] Put onUserInteraction event inside a Service

    Hi everyone, The app I'm developing needs to detect user interaction in every part of the screen at any time in order to reset a Timeout timer. I did this currently with B4XPages exploiting this Java method, but this needs to be put in an Activity module, more specifically, in case of B4XPages...
  2. LusazDeveloper

    iOS Question Is it possible to hide the title bar of a single page in my B4XPages App?

    Hello! I'm creating a B4XPages app and though I'm focus on iOS. I wonder if is it possible to hide the title and the bar where the title appears of a single page ? I saw a solution in this forum but it works with all the pages and I would like to hide only the title bar of my login screen which...
  3. M

    Android Question Transparent StatusBar and NavigationBar Using B4XPages

    Hi everyone, i wish to achive this type of result where the content of my app can be displayed on all the screen (so statusbar and navigation bar are transparent). I already took a look at this post but trying it on my phone i noticed that the offset sizing is not dynamic, but is fixed on...
  4. Brian Michael

    Android Code Snippet [XCustomListView] Page Indicator

    Hello everyone in the community, I was looking for a code that would help me indicate the pagination a CustomListView and know in which position the list was indicated. I managed to create a simple code to be able to do it. If you can improve it, please follow the thread of this post...
  5. M

    Android Question [B4X_Pages] Runtime Permission inside Classes (Wait For)

    Hi everyone, I'm moving part of my code done in a B4XPage into a Standard Class. In this code i've a Runtime Permission CheckAndRequest that requires the "Wait For" block Private Sub BeginBLEscan rp_ble.CheckAndRequest(rp_ble.PERMISSION_ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION) Wait For...
  6. Alexander Stolte

    B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] AS TabMenuAdvanced

    A container view controller that manages a multiselection interface, where the selection determines which child view controller to display. This view was developed and structured from scratch :) i spend a lot of time in creating views, some views i need by my self, but some views not and to...
  7. Artur2024

    Android Question Widget and Page for edit

    Hey :) I'm still studying. I used it Android Tutorial Widget Layout (Resizable, Adaptive) after modification, it displayed the number of days from the date (Widget_4x1.bas, line 21). By clicking on Label, I would like to change the date. I can't open the date change window. I need help with...
  8. M

    Android Question [B4XPages] CallSub of a Page from a Class

    Hi everyone, i'm using B4XPages on Android and i have this scenario: I've a class that handles http requests (let's call A) I've a B4XPage (let's call B) When the app is opened/resumed, a method of the A class is called, when it finishes his work it must call a Sub that is located in B (if it...
  9. M

    iOS Question [B4X] Equivalent of Page_Click in B4XPages

    Hi everyone, i'm trying to translate a standard project in b4xpages. i pretty finished doing it. The last thing remaining to complete the "translation" is: How can i get the _Click event when i press on the page? before i was using PageEventName_Click Thanks in advance
  10. M

    iOS Question Get name of current page on Resume (Application_Active)

    Hi everyone, i was trying to replicate the Activity_Resume of B4A in iOS. There is the Application_Active, but the problem is that i need to do page related things. Example User opens the app on Page 0, then he go to Page1, then the user sends the app to background. Then he resume the app, so...
  11. M

    iOS Question Open Localization Services Setting programmatically

    Hi everyone, how can I open the localization services settings page? or better, open directly the section relevant to one of that apps? it is possibile? I already tried out this: App.OpenURL("app-settings:") But will open only the main page of the settings app Thanks in advance
  12. D

    Android Question Hide MainPage - wich command ?

    I'm building an app for Android to receive sms, decode messages and send sms with response, without the need for operator intervention Main modules (code), Starter (service), B4xPage (class module), Sms (service) When app start, MainPage is displayed There is only the MainPage that I am using as...
  13. M

    iOS Question iTableView permanent selection

    Hi i'm learning how to use the tableview in the best way. I'm trying to do a settings page like the ios one, with elements that opens other pages. Sub Process_Globals Public App As Application Public NavControl As NavigationController Private Page1 As Page Private Panel1 As...
  14. M

    iOS Question [B4X] Chat Layout bad textfield positioning

    Hi, I'm slowly integrate the chat example from @Erel (Thanks you) but when I click the textfield it resize in a bad way I guess. It's too much above the keyboard. Thank to anyone will answer!
  15. M

    iOS Question LargeTitle iOS 13 not display immediatly

    Hi! I'm using LargeDisplay in iOS13, but when the page display appears the title shows in standard mode, then if I scroll the tablview the title became large. How can i display it immediatly large? Code used: Sub navigationBarApperance(Controller As NativeObject, Page As Page, LargeTitle As...
  16. M

    Bug? B4i IDE Method missing in IntelliSense

    I noticed that for Page element are missing the method "_Click" and "_Resize(Width, Height)" that exists.
  17. N

    B4J Question ABMaterial prevent page refresh/reload?

    Is it possible to prevent user to use refresh/reload page?