
  1. mohsen programmer

    Android Question Unreasonable presence of permission

    Hello In "App Info" there is access android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE while I have not used it in the manifest! This access is not displayed in the "permissions list" section either. I used the following command in the manifest: RemovePermission(android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE) But this...
  2. king_mkv

    Android Question send image to telegram bot

    Hello guys, I hope you are well I want to write a project that has permission to Storage, like most programs that display a pop-up and have a Deny and Allow option for Storage. After that, I want to send a file (for example, a photo in the existing path) to the Telegram bot. How to write this...
  3. mmieher

    Android Question Wait For B4XPage_PermissionResult

    Have been struggling with this for years. It seems to work, then not. Always works in a "small project", but keeps somehow mutating in the projects I care about. Have watched this so many times...
  4. captain hawak

    Android Question permission if deny by user

    hi i need if user click deny permission app loop ask permission but this code only from with first requset worked and after user click deny no work and just log >> sending message to waiting queue (activity_permissionresult) If p.Check(p.PERMISSION_READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) And...
  5. I

    Android Question USB Serial permission

    Hi There I am testing USB serial using the sample code If manager.GetDevices.Length = 0 Then Log("No connected usb devices.") Else Dim device As UsbDevice = manager.GetDevices(0) 'assuming that there is exactly one device If manager.HasPermission(device) = False Then...
  6. amorosik

    Italian [B4A] Come RIMUOVERE permessi ad altre app?

    Sapete come fare per visualizzare e rimuovere i permessi concessi ad una certa app? Vorrei realizzare un visualizzatore delle app installate su dispositivo, la visualizzazione nel dettaglio dei permessi concessi alla singola app, e la possibilita' di rimuovere uno o piu' permessi per l'app...
  7. A

    Android Question How to check PERMISSION_ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION in runtimepermissions

    Hi. I am trying to check if the application has permission to access the location all the time. But with runtimepermissions I did not find a way to check if the permission for location in background is allowed or not (that is, if the user selected to allow only with the app in use or to allow...
  8. Bogdan_Popa

    Bug? RuntimePermissions bug

    I've discovered the bug in B4A V9.50, after changeing the package name of my app. The issue is that the request window dose not apear, unlike on the previous versions of my app, compiled with older versions of B4A(eg V9.30). Permision request from "Main": Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As...