
  1. D

    B4R Question AdafruitSSD1306 LIbrary Question

    Hi All, I've using the AdafruitSSD1306 library successfully, but I have two OLED displays, one is 128x32 and the other is 128x64. I was wondering if there is an easy way to swtich between them? I've had a look at the Adafruitssd1306.h & .cpp and it looks as if you have to change a #define to...
  2. KMatle

    B4R Question rAdafruitSSD1306 lib (does NOT work) vs. Inline C (works)

    I have an ESP32 with an onboard OLED Display. @Peter Simpson wrote a nice example which works like a charm. Peter showed some connection parms but it doesn't work with the lib. The I2cScanner shows no devices. Could someone explain the problem? Is it a bug in the lib?