
  1. mohsen programmer

    Android Question Sender does not work

    Hello I have defined several panels in the designer and have put edit text inside some of them. Since the number of editing texts is very large, adding a large number of Sub, changing the focus and changing the text seems non-standard. So, I plan to set the EventName of all of them the same and...
  2. N

    Spanish Reconocer etiquetas según su propiedad Tag

    Hola de nuevo. En el ejemplo SecondProgram de B4X Getting Started vi cómo utilizar btn y Sender para averiguar qué botón se había pulsado en el evento_Click. Quiero hacer algo similar para poner un texto en una serie de etiquetas con distintos Tag s. La situación es que son muchas labels, quiero...
  3. A

    Android Question Sender for List

    Hello. I have: Sub Globals Dim lstViews As List Here's how I form a List: Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean) lstViews.Initialize For Each vw As View In Activity lstViews.Add(vw) Next As a result, I would like to track the Click event to various objects, the...
  4. Xela

    Italian Inizializzazione Imageview a Sender

    Ciao Ragazzi, sto usando B4X e sto cercando di eliminare una riga da una tabella mediante il numero riga che è contenuto nel tag di un ImageView creata dinamicamente Questo l'esempio che ho seguito: Sub Button_Click Dim b As Button b = Sender b.Text = "I've been clicked" End Sub...
  5. hamedafrough

    Android Question tag & sender

    hello everyone please help me, how can I relate between p1 (lkoleaza) & p2 (lkoleaza_slvlbl) with tag and sender I want when boss clicked on the name of users, information of user show at activity p2. thanks for your kindness. codes of p1 ub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)...
  6. hamedafrough

    Android Question tag & sender

    Hello everyone I have a main activity that includes a multi-panel including ID, name and family. When I click on the name and family tags that are displayed together on a label, more details of the user information are displayed on another page, which also displays the information in a scroll...
  7. Sandman

    Wish [B4X] Ensure ”sender” value is always returned in Libs to enable Resumable Subs

    This Wish springs from this topic: Not possible to use Wait For with OkHttpResponse.StreamFinish? It’s absolutely not the end of the world if I can’t always use Resumable Subs. That...
  8. M

    Android Question sender and tag problem with NiceSpinner

    hi there i use this library and it is not working with tag and sender i use to set tag in view coding and in item click event i want to use sender but an error apear and said Compiling debugger engine code. (2.00s) Compiling generated Java code. Error B4A line: 245 Dim spin As...