
  1. T

    Android Question Dialog.ShowTemplate(DateTemplate.... resize?

  2. W

    B4J Question [SOLVED] B4Xdialog.ShowTemplate - java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException

    Running the attached (very small) project from the IDE (both Release and Debug modes) works fine (B4J 9.30, OpenJDK 11.0.1). I run it using @agraham 's RunSelfNamedJarJdk11 because I don't need an installer and this keeps the footprint minimal in terms of disc space, as basically it does this...
  3. R

    Android Question XUI Views ShowTemplate DateTemplate Option not to close the dialog

    Would it be possible to add to this library the option to pass an argument to ShowTemplate that if picked wouldn't close the dialog. I know I can open the dialog and alter anything I want, but I would like to keep it as a library. The idea is for the DateTemplate to have a button that if clicked...