
  1. Android Code Snippet Sending SMS with _SmsSentStatus and _SmsDelivered events

    My final result for SMS sending under Android8. 'Manifest editor AddPermission(android.permission.SEND_SMS) AddPermission(android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE) 'Starter service Sub Process_Globals Dim rp As RuntimePermissions End Sub 'Main Activity Sub Process_Globals Dim Permissions As...
  2. Android Question Calling to texting someone from my contacts

    Hi Everyone, I would like to know if this can be done with B4A. I would like to be able to view all of my phone contacts in a list view and allow the user to select 1 or more contacts, get their phone number and ring them and play a sound file to them. If that can't be done can I send a SMS...
  3. Android Question Problems with SMS Interceptor

    The incoming SMS was complete received, i can see the senders numbers and the body (text). But then the App crashes with following error ( i am using V6.8) MessageReceived: From = +491234567890, Body = This is a test java.lang.RuntimeException: Error receiving broadcast Intent {...
  4. SMS and MMS Text Messaging library

    I'm looking for a very technically skilled B4A / Java developer to create a B4A library capable of *reliably* sending and displaying both normal text messages (SMS) and text messages with images or other files attached (MMS). Inspiration can be drawn from...
  5. Share My Creation G-Gateway [beta] (Currently for SMS)

    G-Gateway is an Ethiopian based free SMS messaging platform for software developers worldwide. It can be used to simulate SMS based software projects before they're integrated to third party gateway systems. Basically, G-Gateway has its own smartphone app that is built with B4A and will make one...
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