
  1. A

    Android Question SMSsent and smsDelivered, follow message with Intent.getExtra

    I am searching this for a while, I collected a few examples together. So far able to send large sms message. I am trying to follow smssent and smsdelivered by a "message_id", which I added by intent.putExtra but I got the final value for each message. Below message key is the referring ID of the...
  2. RealAKuMA

    Bug? One of RECEIVER_EXPORTED or RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED should be specified when a receiver isn't being registered exclusively for system broadcasts

    Hello, I am using the PhoneEvents library in SDK35, but I am facing this error *** Service (starter) Create *** ** Service (starter) Start ** ** Activity (main) Create (first time) ** ** Activity (main) Resume ** Start *** Service (handlerequests) Create *** ** Service (handlerequests) Start **...