
  1. P

    Android Question Looking for new feature

    I have created whatsapp sticker app for android users. Download is about more then 20k but its session time is very low. How or which feature i can add in my app to increase its session time?
  2. User242424

    B4A Library AXEmojiView

    Hello World! AXEmojiView is an advanced Android Library which adds emoji,sticker,... support to your Android application 🤩 Demo • GitHub AXEmojiView 1.2.0 Screenshots : Usage Install Emoji Provider First step, you should install EmojiView with your EmojiProvider! Dim EmojiManager...
  3. D

    iOS Question WhatsApp Sticker

    How can i create stickers for whatsapp by b4i?
  4. DonManfred

    Add your own StickerPack to Whatsapp - Sticker4W

    If you would like to design your own stickers for WhatsApp, you can package them in an Android app. You will need to distribute your app via the Google Play Store or another mechanism. Users who download and install your sticker app will be able to add your stickers to their WhatsApp sticker...