
  1. M

    Android Question TabStripViewPager Change Tab Text Color

    Hello, I want to change tab text color when tab is open, how? ex : from yellow and change to white when tab is open Thanks
  2. Joey249

    Android Question [B4X] How do I load separate code with each TabStripView Page?

    So i've configured my app already and then later on decided I wanted to use TabStripViewPager, The issue i'm having is i've all my code on separate pages for separate layouts, and i'm not quite sure how to load in that code/module with each TabStrip layout. For example, with the TabStrip it...
  3. H

    Android Question TabStripViewPager

    hello when I create a tabhost by this library(TabStripViewPager), the first tab is on the left what can I do that the first tab be in the right as I open that activity
  4. LucaMs

    Android Question A B4XTabStripViewPager

    Is there a B4X View similar to the B4A TabStripViewPager? I would like there was one like that, without the top part. (Thinking better about it, it seems to me that the top part is "hidable" (I think this is a my English neologism ?), perhaps setting its height to zero). If it does not...
  5. S

    Android Question Attribute "layout_anchorGravity" already defined with incompatible format

    Hi, I am using Firebase storage (FirebaseStorage 1.11+ FirebaseAuth 1.04) example as a starting point and added TabStripViewPager (v1.10). These two (Firebase and TabStripViewPager) are not working with each other simultaneously but work when individually used - I have posted the error log. I...
  6. M

    Android Question TabstripViewPager Properties by code

    Hi everyone, i would like to use the TabstripViewPager and i need to change classic properties by code, like "visible", "height", "width", "setAnimatedLayout" etc.. but if i write TabstripViewPager. nothing shows up after the dots excepts for: CurrentPage, DesignerCreateView, LoadLayout and...
  7. A0_2_A7

    Android Question Disable swipe gesture TabstripViewPager

    Hello good afternoon, I have been trying various methods to disable the swipe movement when entering a page but there is no way I leave an example to see if you can help me. I have tried this: Sub TabStrip1_PageSelected (Position As Int) Log($"Current page: ${Position}"$) If Position =...
  8. D

    Android Question Custom PageChangeListener_Event Parameters

    With reference to this post: I have tried to get the sample code working on the demo TabStripViewPager app. Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean) Activity.LoadLayout("Main")...
  9. Batman_

    Android Question TabStripViewPager: What is the name of the library?

    Hi. First time poster. Very simple question. I have added the TabStripViewPager jar and XML file to my additional libraries folder. However, I don't know the actual name of the library to add when using Libraries Manager to add it into my project. Sorry for such a simple question. Regards.
  10. Lori Scott

    Android Question Generating R file. Error

    I am trying to work with TabStripViewPager Library. It downloads fine. The library is visible/selectable in B4a. The custom view is available. When I attempted to run the sample project TabStripExample, it would not open on my device - giving a message like 'The file appears to be corrupt'...
  11. D

    Android Question TabStrip: tabsize

    with TabHost you can see all the tabs in the screen (for example if you have 7 tabs they shrink to fit), but with TabStrip you need to hide some tabs by moving left-right, as they seem to have a fixed width. Is there any way to minimize tab width to "1 char" (in case you use a fontawesome...
  12. LucaMs

    Wish -B4X- TabStripViewPager
  13. Alexander Stolte

    B4A Class TabStripViewPagerExtendet

    This is the TabStripViewPagerExtendet Class for the TabStripViewPager and my first Class which I publish. The standard library does not offer much customizability and thats the reason why I did this class. The class has many settings and thanks to Erel for sharing methods with the JavaObjects...