
  1. walterf25

    iOS Question B4XPages Transition Problem

    Hi all, I have a B4XPages project that it's ready to release to the app store, but I have been noticing a weird issue when transitioning from page to another, I have managed to record a small video which shows the problem, basically when going from one page to another I notice that the previous...
  2. Star-Dust

    B4A Library [B4X] SD_Curtain

    Passage from page to another with curtain effect (B4A, B4J) SD_Curtain Author: Star-Dust Version: 1.01 SD_Curtain Events: ToLeft ToRight Fields: mBase As B4XView Tag As Object Functions: Class_Globals As String DesignerCreateView (Base As Object, Lbl As Label, Props As Map) As String...
  3. Solutions Development

    B4J Library [B4XPages] PagesTransition

    PagesTransiiton Author: Solutions Development Version: 1.07 TransitionPage Constant AnimationBatMan AnimationColumn AnimationCircleExplode AnimationCircleImplode AnimationRotaded AnimationSpotted AnimationStrip AnimationZoom SlideFromLeft SlideFromTop SlideFromRight SlideFromBottom...