Hello everyone, 
With the latest Android restrictions, direct access to the Download folder is no longer possible. However, by using MediaStore, we can save files in a way that’s fully compatible with the new system policies.
What does this snippet do?
Saves a file directly to the Download folder
Fully compatible with the latest Android versions
Does not require special permissions like WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
The app can be published on Google Play without special permissions
I’ve created a simple solution in B4A that leverages MediaStore to bypass these restrictions and make saving files to the Download folder easy and safe.
Usage example:
This code demonstrates how to save a file to the Download folder using MediaStore and doesn’t require extra permissions. It works seamlessly with the latest Android security policies.
You can see the full source code on Linkedin
Hope this helps!
Feel free to ask if you have any questions or suggestions.

With the latest Android restrictions, direct access to the Download folder is no longer possible. However, by using MediaStore, we can save files in a way that’s fully compatible with the new system policies.

I’ve created a simple solution in B4A that leverages MediaStore to bypass these restrictions and make saving files to the Download folder easy and safe.

This code demonstrates how to save a file to the Download folder using MediaStore and doesn’t require extra permissions. It works seamlessly with the latest Android security policies.

Hope this helps!

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