10 years


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Today, I have been member of this forum for 10 years.
I began with Basic4PPC, Basic for Pocket PCs, and followed all the evolution during these years.
The end of Basic4PPC due to change of strategy of Microsoft, the birth of Basic4Android (already 7 years), B4i, B4J and B4R in short B4x.
I remember, at that time I programed a bit for my Pocket PC with embededVisualBasic which was not really appealing. Then Googeling around I found the Basic4PPC site, downloaded the demo version and two hours later I bought it.
And still have the same pleasure belonging to this community.


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Congrats !

How did you have find this (had you find it on Personal's Forum info) ?

I've searched for it but only found which was my first post in the forum: Jun 4, 2014 --> I'm younger than you ;-) (thinking only about B4X member terms)

Edit: Found it searching on email messages: May 05,14 ;-)


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Longtime User
On your public profile, you can see the "joined date"


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Longtime User
@klaus, I can with honesty say that, the day you joined this community, 10y ago, this community immediately gained an EXPERT in the real sense of the word.
You, as well as the, now some kind of hermit B4x Jedi, @agraham, have helped this community grow, not in numbers, but in knowledge, way beyond what the "learning curve" would normally allow us to.
Although I've been here a bit longer than you, I have come to be your very humble apprentice at times. May we, the B4x dinosaures, continue to roam this great vast planet (community)
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Slight seniority for me - 10 years 3 months 9 days!
And I'm still using, and developing, Basic4ppc on the desktop.
"Seeing" you active in the forum is always a pleasure!


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Longtime User
Congratulations Klaus and thanks for all you did for us..
I was searching for vb6 code that can run on Android phones, because that was Lang I was using.. The first hit was basic4android and the marketing ad was perfect it didn't let my have a second thought.. It said create Android apps in the language you already know, visual basic.. Thanks Erel for the bait ☺


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Personally, without your expert guidance and skills, I would still be swimming to find solutions.

Your math skills for complex problems - even thou I don't quite understand your solution, has saved me countless hours.

For a while, I thought you and Erel ran this project from all your contributions, help and insight. (still, I am not sure that you may play a bigger part somehow (hopefully)).

Your examples, replies and codes have helped thousands of us. If we understood 1 percent of what you know, questions would drop by 50 percent.

When I see your name, I first see the Alps.

( what the heck is Basic4PPC? must be some Palm rival? Amazing we survived that era with out going crazy. )


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Congratulations @klaus !
Keep on contributing to our wonderful community and please recall to post from time to time some panorama photos of you and your friends wandering through the Alps.


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Thank you for your kind messages and likes!
It's nice to see in this thread quite some other B4x 'dinosaurs'.

( what the heck is Basic4PPC? must be some Palm rival?
Basic4PPC was the language for PocketPCs, the predecessors of Android and iOS smartphones running under MS WindowsMobile.


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Longtime User
Basic4PPC was the language for PocketPCs, the predecessors of Android and iOS smartphones running under MS WindowsMobile.

Many remember the CE nightmare well. Every new OS release broke or forced change, and never really improved anything.
I am happy to say I don't experience any of that with Android - or what does change improves it.
Ah, to be 10 again...


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Longtime User
Let's not forget that was also the original URL of this website (old members should remember that)
Actually, Basic4Ppc.com was the app website, but it had no forum of itself... The forum was lodged by one of our members, GeoCoder, that later decided to not continue his venture with us as the suite matured and grew
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