My POS system is 10 years old!
I still recall looking for a software to develop an app integrating my electronics development. That's when I stumbled upon B4A.
I downloaded B4X, created a basic version (yes, finally, my initial projects were not related to electronics

), and began my B4X journey.
I remember showcasing my very rudimentary POS to cafes and restaurants, fueled by morning energy and undeterred by numerous rejections—back when I was still working the 9-5 grind - on ny way to work I stopped in 1 ór 2 cafes everyday.
I proudly presented my "POS" and loyalty app to every restaurant in town!! Sure I did to every restaurant/cafe! (ok, this city is not too big)
After many "no's," one finally said yes (ok, two, one for my POS and one for my Loyalty). I promptly purchased Enterprise version and worked at nigths, to craft a user-friendly version.
This week 10years later!!! a new version based in pages was finally installed in one of the restaurants - testing at the moment, (now it uses pages, despite its initial difficulties—it was quite a challenge to make it work, with many issues, etc.), but now it's up and running!
and more important!! it has been synchronized with my POS-uSAAS developed years ago and eagerly awaits the new POS version.
Thank you B4X
Edit: will update a video showing this new version soon.
Edit: video here