Starting from iOS 13 it is possible to write Ndef tags.
NFCEx adds writing support to iNFC library.
Before you start with writing, make sure to follow the "reading" tutorial and get the example working:
It requires some configuration.
With NFCEx class the reading and writing is done inside the class. NFCEx is not built as a library. You are expected to modify Scan method.
The Scan method:
The steps are:
1. Scan for tags.
2. Check the connected tag state.
3. Read and / or write.
4. Stop scanning.
Bytes message:
URL message:
NFCEx adds writing support to iNFC library.
Before you start with writing, make sure to follow the "reading" tutorial and get the example working:
It requires some configuration.
With NFCEx class the reading and writing is done inside the class. NFCEx is not built as a library. You are expected to modify Scan method.
The Scan method:
Public Sub Scan (DialogMessage As String)
Wait For NFC_TagConnected (Success As Boolean, Tag As Object)
If Success Then
Dim no As NativeObject = NFC
no.RunMethod("checkStatus:", Array(Tag))
Wait For NFC_Status(Success As Boolean, Status As Int, Capacity As Int)
'1 = not supported
'2 = read / wrute
'3 = read only
Main.LogMsg("Status: " & Status)
no.RunMethod("read:", Array(Tag)) 'read previous value
Wait For NFC_TagRead (Success As Boolean, Messages As List)
If Success Then
ReadMessages (Messages)
If Status = 2 Then
Dim msg As Object = CreateTextNdefMessage("This is the value that will be written") '<-- write new value
no.RunMethod("write::", Array(Tag, msg))
Wait For NFC_WriteComplete (Success As Boolean)
Main.LogMsg("Write complete: " & Success)
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
1. Scan for tags.
2. Check the connected tag state.
3. Read and / or write.
4. Stop scanning.
Bytes message:
URL message:
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