Hello everybody
I am completing the study of lesson 6 of the ABMaterial for dummies, I am stuck on this problem:
At line 27 of [reportPage]
Private repexec As jNxtReportsB4J 'jNxtReportsB4J library from B4x.com
I get the error message "unknown type missing library reference"
but in main
I entered these references I believe are correct:
in the subfolder of B4j installation additional Libraries I have inserted these two files
but the problem persists!
What to do?
Thanks to anyone who wants to give me a suggestion.
I am completing the study of lesson 6 of the ABMaterial for dummies, I am stuck on this problem:
At line 27 of [reportPage]
Private repexec As jNxtReportsB4J 'jNxtReportsB4J library from B4x.com
I get the error message "unknown type missing library reference"
but in main
I entered these references I believe are correct:
#AdditionalJar: mysql-connector-java-5.1.44-bin
' Don't forget to add jNxtReportsB4J in the B4J IDE Libraries tab
#AdditionalJar:jNxtReportsB4J ' (version 1.04) <==
' Download these jar files to the B4J Libraries folder
' All these jar files are available from http://www.next-reports.com/download.html
in the subfolder of B4j installation additional Libraries I have inserted these two files
but the problem persists!
What to do?
Thanks to anyone who wants to give me a suggestion.
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