B4J Question [SOLVED] ABMaterial for Dummies: Lesson 6 - Sample Next Reports missing library?

Gnappo jr

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Hello everybody
I am completing the study of lesson 6 of the ABMaterial for dummies, I am stuck on this problem:
At line 27 of [reportPage]

Private repexec As jNxtReportsB4J 'jNxtReportsB4J library from B4x.com

I get the error message "unknown type missing library reference"
but in main
I entered these references I believe are correct:
#AdditionalJar: mysql-connector-java-5.1.44-bin
  ' Don't forget to add jNxtReportsB4J in the B4J IDE Libraries tab
#AdditionalJar:jNxtReportsB4J  ' (version 1.04) <==
'    Download these jar files to the B4J Libraries folder
'    All these jar files are available from http://www.next-reports.com/download.html

in the subfolder of B4j installation additional Libraries I have inserted these two files
but the problem persists!
What to do?

Thanks to anyone who wants to give me a suggestion.
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in the subfolder of B4j installation additional Libraries I have inserted these two files
Just to be sure: Please post the full path the the folder where you places this files.

I should be the path you set in the IDE for Additional Libraries (Tools-Configure Paths)
It should NOT be the Folder {B4J-Instaldir}\Libraries as this is the INTERNAL Library folder. You should not add any files here.
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Gnappo jr

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I put the flag on the library and the problem is gone. I apologize for this stupid inattention of mine which has caused disturbance.

Should a resolved therad be closed?
Can it be eliminated so as not to create unnecessary noise?
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I am hoping that my Dummies tut is still valid today with latest version of ABM.
Granted, one cannot start at lesson 5 (for example) - and expect all to work - if you didn't start from lesson 1.

It was designed as a "step by step" - where each step (new lesson) may overwrite a previous lesson, with included files attached.

ABM is a HUGE project for web app dev - and the best of breed of all of them - particularily for B4X.
Those who have opted in agree.

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Gnappo jr

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I am hoping that my Dummies tut is still valid today with latest version of ABM.
Granted, one cannot start at lesson 5 (for example) - and expect all to work - if you didn't start from lesson 1.

It was designed as a "step by step" - where each step (new lesson) may overwrite a previous lesson, with included files attached.

ABM is a HUGE project for web app dev - and the best of breed of all of them - particularily for B4X.
Those who have opted in agree.

I fully agree that ABMaterial is a great and grandiose project, worthy of donation support.
Obviously you have to start from lesson number 1, but if a user has a difficulty in lesson n. it does not mean that it started from it.
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Obviously you have to start from lesson number 1, but if a user has a difficulty in lesson n. it does not mean that it started from it.
I tested as I went - however that does not mean there could be holes in my lessons...
Hopefully with user knowledge, they can recover from my oversights..

Such a big project - so much to explain and learn. I am still learning!

Suggestions of how the tut can be improved are always most welcome.
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