I arose from the need to know all the headers of a GET request.
When HttServer raises the HttpServer_HandleRequest event it returns the Request variable.
The Request variable has only one method for reading Headers, GetHeader.
How to get a complete list of Headers?
NB Requires JavaObject and Reflector library
When HttServer raises the HttpServer_HandleRequest event it returns the Request variable.
The Request variable has only one method for reading Headers, GetHeader.
How to get a complete list of Headers?
Private Sub HttpServer_HandleRequest (Request As ServletRequest, Response As ServletResponse)
If Request.Method = "GET" Then
Dim ServletRequestWrapper As Reflector
Dim req As JavaObject = ServletRequestWrapper.GetField("req")
Dim headerNames As JavaObject = req.RunMethod("getHeaderNames",Null)
' List of Header
Do While headerNames.RunMethod("hasMoreElements",Null)
Log(headerNames.RunMethod("nextElement",Null)) ' Header
End If
End Sub
NB Requires JavaObject and Reflector library