Hello you All ;
I am new to Android programming ;
With my first attempt, I encountered a torrent of problems ;
I saw some topics in the forum, but they did not help ;
What have I missed ;
the error Msg :
Library Link Added :
Code For Connection .
The problem may be minor
It may have been addressed in the forum
Unfortunately, I did not find a cure
And Thank you who will waste some time to help
I am new to Android programming ;
With my first attempt, I encountered a torrent of problems ;
I saw some topics in the forum, but they did not help ;
What have I missed ;
the error Msg :
Library Link Added :
#AdditionalJar: mysql-connector-java-5.1.22-bin
Code For Connection .
'Code module
'Subs in this code module will be accessible from all modules.
Sub Process_Globals
'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
'These variables can be accessed from all modules.
Dim NAMA_VAR_HANDLER As MysqlHandler
End Sub
Sub conn
' NAMA_VAR_HANDLER.Initialize("nmServer","nmDatabase","nmUser","nmPassword")
NAMA_VAR_HANDLER.Initialize("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver", "jdbc:mysql:/","ali","JToX0lCmdHslAL1Q")
If NAMA_VAR_HANDLER.isConnected = False Then
Msgbox(NAMA_VAR_HANDLER.SQLError, "Error")
End If
End Sub
The problem may be minor
It may have been addressed in the forum
Unfortunately, I did not find a cure
And Thank you who will waste some time to help