The design consideration behind B4XPages is that it simplifies the activity cycle of Android by eliminating Pause and Resume.
This helps in making the App cross-platform (Desktop, Android, iOS), but it also means a commitment to a given orientation.
(As I mentioned, you can detect first how the user is holding the device and then make the orientation commitment before starting
You can have one B4xPages Activity plus one or more non-B4XPages Activities, which can be unspecified orientation.
For example, one can do all the work in a B4XPages App based on how the user held the device when starting the App,
and then start another non-B4XPages Activity in a different orientation (for example to show a video in landscape).
You can access Globals in the first Activity (which is still active - not paused), and return to that Activity when finished with
the non-B4XPages Activity.
For each non-B4Xpages Activity, you'll have to handle the Activity cycle yourself with Pause and Resume subs.
With some planning, the exit and restart operation in the link in post #3 can occur seamlessly to the user.
If none of these approaches work in your situation, just revert back to a traditional B4A App. This is not a limitation of B4A.