Hi there...
as IT using a lot Remote Administration Utilities to remote control Windows PCs... but I thought why not creating mine? I will be sure for security, i will not have to pay anyone.... Hey... Where is my "TOOL"... here it is... B4X... (b4j for those who know).
Before some years Saif (sfsameer) shared a project called TeamViewer Alternative - was very good... and the weird... that already thought it (1 year before), with the same way (ffmpeg)...
But the whole idea... wasn't so simple.... need a Server, with SQL... need setup... and a lot of bandwidth... also need to open ports and think how will pass the firewalls... Also was using ffmpeg libs.. make it difficult to understand it.
So I ve think it a lot... how to make a Remote Administration Utility as simple is possible - to understand it everyone with little knowledge and work everywhere !
Remote Administration: PC to PC (one will be Host, one will be Client) - View screen remotely and control with mouse and keyboard...
See the Features...
See new Features here (19/9/2022) - (27/9/2022 newer version at same links) and some screenshots...
Well the solution was in front of me - all - the time... MQTT / capture screen and publish... so simple... from the other client just subscribe and show pictures... simple ???
* Caution: is not the same code with Saif's - I am not having any relationship with sfsameer.
New Video Demonstration of mSupport... (28/9/2022)
OLD Video Demonstration (Playing 200% faster - to not be boring):
Here the Demo executable (needs Windows 7,8,10,11 - 64bit):
Download from Here!!! (OLD)
Go at this post for new one...
Install it.. run it as Administrator (right click - properties - advance - check Run as Admin)..
Caution! this is only for demo purposes... may be you expose your data (using free open mqtt broker) or codes without using the full-source-code and replacing with your MQTT server and credentials... using full source code gives you the option to replace all with SSL protection!
Why "not" giving an Android solution ? - Not giving Android Solution, yet ! (higher level of difficulty)

You must know B4X well...
If you wanna share it with you...
You can "Support" me with 49€
(10% will go at B4X)
Support and give your Transaction-ID here in thread with post...
I will send the full-source-code via email, PM...
For the moment only B4J code is available.
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