Once again I found myself writing code to draw arrows on canvas.
@klaus has provided a basic technique that I also use: define the set of points on the arrow as a path and then draw the path.
I finally decided to write a more general class to do this job. It is a cross-platform design.
It is small, about 120 lines of code. It's compactness is achieved by the use of a point object type.
Points have x and y coordinates and a set of public utility functions (Add, Subtract, Distance, Midpoint, etc.)
Arrows can be drawn by three methods.
-draw. Specified by the two points, start and end
-draw2. The most general specification: a portion of a vector
-draw3. Specified as a start point plus length and angle
The style of the arrow is specified through a Map object, keys: Color, Filled, Tip width, and Tip height
There are 4 optional parameters: DashColor, Inside Text, Font, and FontColor
(if omitted: undashed, no text, default font(18), black)
Please use the class in any way you like and modify it to meet your needs.
Let me know if I missed an edge case.
Note: if you need the arrow as an image, you can get the bitmap from the canvas.
@klaus has provided a basic technique that I also use: define the set of points on the arrow as a path and then draw the path.
I finally decided to write a more general class to do this job. It is a cross-platform design.
It is small, about 120 lines of code. It's compactness is achieved by the use of a point object type.
Points have x and y coordinates and a set of public utility functions (Add, Subtract, Distance, Midpoint, etc.)
Arrows can be drawn by three methods.
-draw. Specified by the two points, start and end
-draw2. The most general specification: a portion of a vector
-draw3. Specified as a start point plus length and angle
The style of the arrow is specified through a Map object, keys: Color, Filled, Tip width, and Tip height
There are 4 optional parameters: DashColor, Inside Text, Font, and FontColor
(if omitted: undashed, no text, default font(18), black)
Please use the class in any way you like and modify it to meet your needs.
Let me know if I missed an edge case.
Note: if you need the arrow as an image, you can get the bitmap from the canvas.
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