Android Question File transfer between android device and windows pc


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Until now i used smb file transfer between a few android devices and a windows pc.
Herefore we need to make a small network with own wifi router.
But many times i have problems with change of ip adres, smb not installed, firewall etc.
Is there another way to transfer files where these problems don't exist?

John Naylor

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if using a fixed IP address isn't possible then maybe consider a service such as NoIP to keep everything updated. It's cheap (free if you log in every month).
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A few years ago i used Wince terminals. From these terminals I could connect with the mysql database on the local server.
Actually I'm looking for something similar for the android devices. Does this exists?
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b4a/b4x terminal?
no such thing.

You can connect to a db with
but it is not recommended to do so.
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How can I acces local database directly, only using mysql server port 3306, from b4a/b4x terminal?
...Using jsql lib... for direct access...

ps: also may be it is better using google drive
ps2: or MQTT to avoid firewall problems... but will be a little tricky the whole thing... (i love mqtt option)
ps3: or you can have a more direct using udpsocket... but need firewall settings too..
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I now use the jrdc2 example but got stuck at : java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver.

I changed : #AdditionalJar: jtds-1.3.1
and put the files in the library folder.

What am I doing wrong?
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Of course I first started to search, but could not find a right answer.
Now I tried again, but not finding a useable answer sofar.
But I will try a last time....
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Now it seems to work, after two changes in the old tutorial files.
I had to install the mysql j connector, where the old name seems deprecated.
I also had to replace the additonal jar by the new mysql jar.
What is jtds-1.3.1?


  • jrdc2.jpg
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If all you need is to transfer a file to the Windows PC, the easiest way if to get the Android app to upload the data to a Folder on a website using FTP and get the Windows PC to check the Folder frequently to see if there is anything to download (using FTP). No special IP addresses required. Updates to databases on the Windows PC do not have conflicts or too many files to handle simultaneously.
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If all you need is to transfer a file to the Windows PC, the easiest way if to get the Android app to upload the data to a Folder on a website using FTP and get the Windows PC to check the Folder frequently to see if there is anything to download (using FTP). No special IP addresses required. Updates to databases on the Windows PC do not have conflicts or too many files to handle simultaneously.
I use this, works like a charm, when I have internet.
But in some situations there's no internet. (at all)
Therefore i have to exchange files / data between laptop and android terminal without internet.
Using smb is difficult, the people who work with this app don't know anything from pc's.
Sometimes they have a firewall of the anti-virus software etc, sometimes the network settings change.
Even sometimes smb has to put on again, etc.
So I need a bullet proof way of transferring, whatever they did with their laptop.
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As you already know - Firewalls are oblivious to FTP, which solves one of your major problems.

I'm quite new at all the ways you can transfer data - I was oblivious to the concept of sending data without the internet.

Closest I get to that is a message sent on my phone, with or without attachments.

An early way of data transfer was to attach a files to an email and send it. This only works where files are not huge of course.
Best feature of this concept is that if the "internet" is down, then the message will be sent later when its up again.
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