There is a new "dangerous" (runtime) permission On Android 13+ devices required for showing notifications. When targetSdkVersion < 33, the OS will show the permission dialog automatically before the notification is displayed.
Once we switch to targetSdkVersion=33 we are responsible for requesting it ourselves. This has the advantage that we can control the exact point where it will be requested.
This code handles this:
Depends on JavaObject and Phone libraries.
Usage example:
Once we switch to targetSdkVersion=33 we are responsible for requesting it ourselves. This has the advantage that we can control the exact point where it will be requested.
This code handles this:
Depends on JavaObject and Phone libraries.
'Make sure that targetSdkVersion >= 33
Private Sub CheckAndRequestNotificationPermission As ResumableSub
Dim p As Phone
If p.SdkVersion < 33 Then Return True
Dim ctxt As JavaObject
Dim targetSdkVersion As Int = ctxt.RunMethodJO("getApplicationInfo", Null).GetField("targetSdkVersion")
If targetSdkVersion < 33 Then Return True
Dim NotificationsManager As JavaObject = ctxt.RunMethod("getSystemService", Array("notification"))
Dim NotificationsEnabled As Boolean = NotificationsManager.RunMethod("areNotificationsEnabled", Null)
If NotificationsEnabled Then Return True
Dim rp As RuntimePermissions
Wait For B4XPage_PermissionResult (Permission As String, Result As Boolean) 'change to Activity_PermissionResult if non-B4XPages.
Log(Permission & ": " & Result)
Return Result
End Sub
Usage example:
Private Sub Button1_Click
Wait For (CheckAndRequestNotificationPermission) Complete (HasPermission As Boolean)
If HasPermission Then
Dim n As Notification
n.Icon = "icon"
n.SetInfo("This is the title", "and this is the body.", Main) 'Change Main to "" if this code is in the main module.
Log("no permission")
ToastMessageShow("no permission", True)
End If
End Sub
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