Android Question Newbie Question : How can I change the phone settings?

Sam Koh

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Longtime User
I realized that the following settings will be gone once I quit the App. Is there a way to keep these phone settings permanently until I next change them?

Dim myPhone As Phone
myPhone.SetScreenOrientation (0)
myPhone.SetVolume (myPhone.VOLUME_SYSTEM,15,True)
myPhone.SetScreenBrightness (-1)


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Sam Koh

Licensed User
Longtime User
Thank you for your reply. However, your answer is too brief and it is not comprehensible at my current competency level. It will be good if you could build on my example to illustrate how it should be done
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Here is an example. If you have any problem, don't hesitate to ask.

KVS uses a data pair. Index and value. ex kvs. put(key, value).
To retrieve the value, you do: kvs.get(key) and you get the value.


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