As the use of msgbox make the app crashes, it should be definitely disabled
-OR- (better)
it could be INTERNALLY replaced with
msgboxasync + waif for msgbox_result
- if by mistake I use a msgbox or msgbox2 (available, permitted by the ide), the app will crash on Android13 with no error. it closes without saying anything.
- if by mystake I forget a "wait for", the app will not wait for my click
same for numberdialog
same for doevents -> sleep(0) (?)
thank you
i am converting from an old program to the 12.5 ide, it tooks lots of time
-OR- (better)
it could be INTERNALLY replaced with
msgboxasync + waif for msgbox_result
- if by mistake I use a msgbox or msgbox2 (available, permitted by the ide), the app will crash on Android13 with no error. it closes without saying anything.
- if by mystake I forget a "wait for", the app will not wait for my click
same for numberdialog
same for doevents -> sleep(0) (?)
thank you
i am converting from an old program to the 12.5 ide, it tooks lots of time