Hello please, how to do this?
if clvLabel4.Text has a value then works ok but if clvLabel4.Text has no value, then I have Empty String Error
Null does not work here becouse clvLabel4.Text has no Null value, is just Empty.
* the error occurs in the line if
thank you in advance!
if clvLabel4.Text has a value then works ok but if clvLabel4.Text has no value, then I have Empty String Error
Null does not work here becouse clvLabel4.Text has no Null value, is just Empty.
* the error occurs in the line if
thank you in advance!
Empty String Issue:
'mapatarifas.Get("CP") has no value on database
clvLabel4.text= mapatarifas.Get("CP")
'this give Emprty String Error
If clvLabel4.text<>"" Then
clvLabel5.Text= NumberFormat2(clvLabel4.Text/ptc,0,2,2,False)
End If
'this also empty string error
Dim laca As Double=clvLabel4.Text
If laca>0 Then
clvLabel5.Text= NumberFormat2(clvLabel4.Text/ptc,0,2,2,False)
End If