Right logging system must not be overloaded by the log files amount.
So, if the storage is limited - any logging must be looped.
The system log file name is hardcoded, the max file size also.
Actual Arduino's SD-card class can open file only for READ, WRITE or APPEND. No TRUNCATE is possible (i do not prefer to make a custom class from the standard one), so the looping is made by the file deleting and re-creation - please, help to update for better way in the Inline-C code (sub "write_sys_log"): new line is added to the end of text, oldest first file part - is truncated.
So, if the storage is limited - any logging must be looped.
The system log file name is hardcoded, the max file size also.
Actual Arduino's SD-card class can open file only for READ, WRITE or APPEND. No TRUNCATE is possible (i do not prefer to make a custom class from the standard one), so the looping is made by the file deleting and re-creation - please, help to update for better way in the Inline-C code (sub "write_sys_log"): new line is added to the end of text, oldest first file part - is truncated.
esp_sd module:
Private Sub Process_Globals
'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
'Public variables can be accessed from all modules.
Type KeyValueType(key() As Byte, value() As Byte)
Dim Ready_flag As Boolean
Public HOUR As Byte, DATE As Byte, MONTH As Byte, YEAR As Byte
End Sub
Sub Start_SD(tag As Byte)
If tag = 0 Then
Log("Start SD...")
Log("Try to re-start SD...")
End If
Dim res As Byte = RunNative("setup_sd", Null)
If res = 0 Then
Log("SD card - setup error.")
Ready_flag = False
Ready_flag = True
End If
End Sub
Sub Add_Looped_Log(line() As Byte) As Boolean
Return RunNative("looped_log", line)
End Sub
#if C
#include "FS.h"
#include "SD.h"
#include "SPI.h"
B4R::Object returnvalue_esp_sp;
bool appendFile(fs::FS &fs, const char *path, const char *message) {
//Serial.printf("Appending to file: %s\n", path);
bool res;
File file = fs.open(path, FILE_APPEND);
if (!file) {
Serial.println("Failed to open file for appending");
return false;
res = file.print(message);
if (res) {
//Serial.println("Message appended");
} else {
Serial.println("Append failed");
return res;
B4R::Object* setup_sd(B4R::Object* o){
bool begun = SD.begin();
if (!begun) {
//Serial.println("Card Mount Failed");
return returnvalue_esp_sp.wrapNumber((byte)0);
return returnvalue_esp_sp.wrapNumber((byte)1);
B4R::Object* save_csv_line(B4R::Object* passedvar){
_keyvaluetype* tmp = (_keyvaluetype*)B4R::Object::toPointer(passedvar); //structure from B4R
B4R::Array* b = tmp->key;
char* c = (char*)b->data; //file name, do not forget slash "/file.txt"
//String key = (String)c;
B4R::Array* b2 = tmp->value;
char* c2 = (char*)b2->data; //test line for saving to file
//String value = (String)c2;
bool res = appendFile(SD, c, c2);
return returnvalue_esp_sp.wrapNumber((byte)res);
B4R::Object* freespace_sd(B4R::Object* o){
float result;
uint64_t total = SD.totalBytes() / (1024 * 1024);
//Serial.printf("totalBytes: %llu MB\n", total);
uint64_t used = SD.usedBytes() / (1024 * 1024);
//Serial.printf("usedBytes: %llu MB\n", used);
result = ((float)total - (float)used) / (float)total * 100;
//Serial.print("Free %: ");
return returnvalue_esp_sp.wrapNumber((float)result);
B4R::Object* find_file(B4R::Object* o){
B4R::Array* b = (B4R::Array*)B4R::Object::toPointer(o);
char* fname = (char*)b->data;
if (!SD.exists(fname))
return returnvalue_esp_sp.wrapNumber((byte)0); //non-existent
return returnvalue_esp_sp.wrapNumber((byte)1);
B4R::Object* create_dir(B4R::Object* o){
B4R::Array* b = (B4R::Array*)B4R::Object::toPointer(o);
char* fname = (char*)b->data;
if (!SD.mkdir(fname))
return returnvalue_esp_sp.wrapNumber((byte)0); //failed
return returnvalue_esp_sp.wrapNumber((byte)1);
bool deleteFile(fs::FS &fs, const char *path) {
//Serial.printf("Deleting file: %s\n", path);
bool res = fs.remove(path);
return res;
bool write_sys_log(fs::FS &fs, const char *path, const char *newline) {
String data;
File file = fs.open(path);
if (file) {
data = file.readString();
int limit = 10000; //max file size
data = data + (String)newline;
if (data.length() > limit) data = data.substring(data.length() - limit);
deleteFile(SD, path);
return appendFile(SD, path, data.c_str());
B4R::Object* looped_log(B4R::Object* o){
B4R::Array* b = (B4R::Array*)B4R::Object::toPointer(o);
char* addline = (char*)b->data;
if (!write_sys_log(SD, "/syslog.txt", addline))
return returnvalue_esp_sp.wrapNumber((byte)0);
return returnvalue_esp_sp.wrapNumber((byte)1);
#End If
/syslog.txt file:
2024-08-25 16:52:06: bme280 sensor: unstable data (corrupted I2C_DATA line);
2024-08-25 16:52:09: No reply: ds1307 clock !;
2024-08-25 16:52:09: No reply: ds1307 clock !; bme280 sensor: unstable data (corrupted I2C_DATA line);
2024-08-25 16:52:09: No reply: ds1307 clock !; No reply: bme280 sensor;
2000-01-01 00:00:80: No reply: ds1307 clock !; bme280 sensor: unstable data (corrupted I2C_DATA line);
2000-01-01 00:00:80: No reply: ds1307 clock !; bme280 sensor: unstable data (corrupted I2C_DATA line);
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