1st generation of my app completed. Thanks to all.


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I have finally completed the 1st generation of my application and posted it on my website. There is yet much refining to do but at least it's "out there" and I can relax a bit.

I could not have done it without the help I have received from this forum. You people have been fantastic and a source of incalculable knowledge and expertise. There just aren't enough adjectives I can use to express how grateful and appreciative I am for your patience, prompt replies to dumb questions and overall professionalism. I want to pay special tribute to kickaha, agraham, klaus and of course Erel for giving unselfishly of their time. There have also been others who offered help and advice and I thank you all. I'm not going anywhere and will continue to ask dumb questions but I am more comfortable now with b4a. It is a great piece of software and I realize I have barely scratched the surface of everything I could be taking advantage of. I'm sure I will continue to learn as I read the posts and try to implement new things into my app. Again my heartfelt thanks!

Jim Schuchert
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