2 Year of free software. hit (ok) or miss (no ok)?


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I still remember Erel said to 'spread the words' that B4A is free now.
I understand that it is his vision / wish to see most programmers using B4X to develop Android, IOS, Desktop etc.

Look from a creator point of view a painter carves for more and more people to look his/her painting. Same goes for all master creators. AS was stopping many to pick up B4A. Now Erel broke that barrier.

If we only think that he created B4X to make money, I think, we all are wrong.

His non-ending contributions speaks that he loves B4X and I tell you a creator who loves his/her creation will not look for money but would like more and more people to use and appreciate it.


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...really I like "money" - but if i had more of these (money) - I will buying "time" - to create apps with b4x...

I think all developers / programmers like their job + the magic of creation, creating useful things from them but better for all


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Longtime User
The most important is: the users must understand the value of this product-service and not just give credits to Erel but donating him for every success they had... big or small.
Personally, if it were for my income it would be Erel who would have to make a donation to me ?
The very little I gained (*) was from my simple tool you see in my signature; and in fact I immediately made a donation.
If I still had a job and therefore a salary, I think it would be right to make a donation this month, receiving the "thirteenth month" (I don't know what it is called "abroad", the 13th salary of the year).

(*) Currently I still haven't been able to publish my fantastic app ? , the one that will allow me to cash in in just one year... how much Google collects in 1 minute ?, but now I'm thinking about it more seriously (and maybe I'll get some important help ?).
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Licensed User
Longtime User
...well I have to say... that i am in same position... yeah still have a job (but with no salary because I am freelancer) and about 13th salary "no way" - XMAS/Santa comes for others not for me (Hope to win lottery of sfsameer / 10% will be a donation) ?
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