B4A Library [Lib] AnimationPlus

Hello everybody,

Here's my new baby. The AnimationPlus library extends the Animation library by adding:
  • the interpolators (Bounce, Accelerate, Overshoot, Cycle, etc.)
  • two parameters:
    PersistAfter (boolean): if True, the animation does not revert to its initial state
    StartOffset (long): delay before the animation really starts
  • AnimationSet (animations on the same view are played together)
  • four new Drawables:
    AnimationDrawable: image-by-image animation
    ClipDrawable: drawable with automatic clipping (ideal for progress bars)
    LayerDrawable: multi-layer drawable
    TransitionDrawable: cross-fade between two drawables
  • for translation animations:
    PauseTranslation/ResumeTranslation/IsPaused: new functions to pause/resume the animation
    AnimationRepeat: new event
List of properties and methods

If you want a library with more possibilities, and easy to use, give a try to NineOldAndroids.

Examples : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-kneWWcCy7PUTNERGJIamlzSjA/view?usp=sharing&resourcekey=0-LK97oJs9aV-UHK4CWY0utw


  • AnimationPlus v2.3.zip
    12.7 KB · Views: 4,688
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Thank you so much.

I am so happy/lucky that you found B4A and learn a lot from you great examples.

Best regards,


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Great Work

I have just had a play with the demo and found it to be very useful and easy to use. I think the main use for me will be as a change transition from panel to panel in my app(s).
I know there are "page animators" but this is so easy to set up and make work.
Well done you should be proud of your work....


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where can I find out what the arg1, arg2...etc are

in an example like this:

AnimPlus.InitializeScaleCenter("AnimPlus", 0, 0, 1, 1, ivAndroid)



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A tool more easily develop effective and professional apps. Many thanks for your "new baby". :sign0098:

One question, is it possible to add shadow effects to the library?



Licensed User
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where can I find out what the arg1, arg2...etc are

in an example like this:

AnimPlus.InitializeScaleCenter("AnimPlus", 0, 0, 1, 1, ivAndroid)


Apart the functions and properties specified in the first post, everything else comes from the standard libraries. InitializeScaleCenter is a function of the Animation library.
I don't have the source code of these libraries, hence arg1, arg2, ...


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I was thinking of "Translate Animation" if an object (flying window for exapmel) hovering low over a fictive bottom.

What do you mean by "shadow effects" ? Since this library is dedicated to Animation, I can't see where I could put shadows.


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I was thinking of "Translate Animation" if an object (flying window for exapmel) hovering low over a fictive bottom.

Ah ok... This library cannot do this kind of thing. It's for basic tween animations, there's no rendering, no light or surface effect, etc. If you want to do a simple shadow effect, create a semi-transparent panel behind the window, slightly shifted. Then do a translation animation of both views.


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Ah ok... This library cannot do this kind of thing. It's for basic tween animations, there's no rendering, no light or surface effect, etc. If you want to do a simple shadow effect, create a semi-transparent panel behind the window, slightly shifted. Then do a translation animation of both views.

Ok, I think its a good solution. Thank you.