Android Code Snippet Get relative view position

Description: These two subs will get the positions of a view relative to the activity, regardless of how many parent panels it is nested in.

Version: 2

SubName: GetRelativeTop

'Iterative sub to get the views Top relative to the activity window
Public Sub GetRelativeTop(V As JavaObject) As Int
    'I tried several methods to do this, this was the only one that worked across API's and devices
    'One of these should always be the last parent
    If GetType(V) = "android.view.ViewRoot" Or GetType(V) = "android.view.ViewRootImpl" Or GetType(V) = "android.widget.FrameLayout$LayoutParams" Then
        Return 0
        'If V.Top is valid for this view returns a value then add it, else skip to the next parent
                Dim VW As View = V
                Return VW.Top + GetRelativeTop(V.RunMethod("getParent",Null))
                Return 0
            End Try
                Return GetRelativeTop(V.RunMethod("getParent",Null))
                Return 0
            End Try
        End Try
    End If
End Sub

SubName: GetRelativeLeft

'Iterative sub to get the views Left relative to the activity window
Public Sub GetRelativeLeft(V As JavaObject) As Int
    'I tried several methods to do this, this was the only one that worked across API's and devices

    'One of these should always be the last parent
    If GetType(V) = "android.view.ViewRoot" Or GetType(V) = "android.view.ViewRootImpl" Or GetType(V) = "android.widget.FrameLayout$LayoutParams" Then
        Return 0
        'If V.Left is valid for this view returns a value then add it, else skip to the next parent
                Dim VW As View = V
                Return VW.Left + GetRelativeLeft(V.RunMethod("getParent",Null))
                Return 0
            End Try
                Return GetRelativeLeft(V.RunMethod("getParent",Null))
                Return 0
            End Try
        End Try
    End If
End Sub

Depends On: JavaObject

Tags: View Position Relative Activity
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Hello, Thanks! those Subs helpme a lot but I have a Runtime Error:

An error has occured is sub:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Method
getParent not found in:

Continue? (Yes/No)

After press Yes everything work good.

I'm using the Subs on this way:

nAsphaltx = GetRelativeLeft(imgasphalt.Left)
nAsphaltY = GetRelativeTop(imgasphalt.width)

Thanks for any help

Sorry but I'm still a rookie with B4A


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Description: These two subs will get the positions of a view relative to the activity, regardless of how many parent panels it is nested in.

I know this is an old thread and I should not be writing anything to it, but stevel05 just wanted to thank you for the tip. It has been days that i have been working on it and was contentiously getting stuck when a in recursive routine the view had no layout.

Thanks again and admins apologies for writing on this old thread.


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Don't you just hate it when you pick up an old Code snippet and it doesn't work. Well it happend to me with one of my own snippets. Now updated with a fix. It's a bit belt and braces, but hopefully a bit more future proofed. Let me know if there are problems with it.

Robert Valentino

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I took your routine a long time ago and modified to add other types

Public  Sub Process_Globals
           Type  TRelativeLT(Left As Int, Top As Int)
           Public  IsInitialized    As Boolean = False
End Sub

Private Sub GetRelative_LT(RelativeLT As TRelativeLT, V As JavaObject) As TRelativeLT
               '  Just in case the Passed Structure has not been Initialized
               If  RelativeLT.IsInitialized = False Then
               End If
               '  Get the Parent to this View
                 Dim parent      As Object = V.RunMethod("getParent", Null)

               '  If Parent is Null then Done
                 If  parent = Null                                                                            Then
                   Return RelativeLT
               End If

               '  If Parent Type is ANY of these we are Done
                 Dim parentType As String = GetType(parent)

               '  It turns out that if we get the Parent of the ScrollView we can work our way right down the children              
               If  parentType = "anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.ScrollViewWrapper$MyScrollView"               Then
                   V        = parent
                   parent    = V.RunMethod("getParent", Null)
                   If  parent = Null Then
                       Return RelativeLT
                   End If
               End If
                If  parentType = "android.view.ViewRoot"                                                    Then Return RelativeLT
                If  parentType = "android.view.ViewRootImpl"                                                Then Return RelativeLT
                If  parentType = "android.widget.FrameLayout"                                               Then Return RelativeLT
                If  parentType = "android.widget.FrameLayout$LayoutParams"                                  Then Return RelativeLT
                If  parentType = "androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager"                                      Then Return RelativeLT
                If  parentType = "anywheresoftware.b4a.BALayout$LayoutParams"                               Then Return RelativeLT
                If  parentType = "anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.HorizontalScrollViewWrapper$MyHScrollView"   Then Return RelativeLT
                If  parentType = "anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.IME$ExtendedBALayout"                        Then Return RelativeLT
                If  parentType = "flm.b4a.scrollview2d.ScrollView2DWrapper$MyScrollView"                    Then Return RelativeLT

               '  OK - ADD on this Views Left and Top variables
                   Dim VW As View = V

               RelativeLT.Left = RelativeLT.Left + VW.Left
               RelativeLT.Top  = RelativeLT.Top  + VW.Top
#if debug
               Log("RelativeLT (l/t):" &RelativeLT.Left &" / " &RelativeLT.Top &"   View (l/t):" &VW.Left &" / " &VW.Top &"  (w/h):" &VW.Width &" / " &VW.Height)                              
#end If
               '  Get the settings for our Parent
               Return GetRelative_LT(RelativeLT, parent)              
               '  I DO NOT like just catching errors
               '    But if we are here then I have missed some new type Log a then Exception msg
               Log("GetRelative_LT - Error" &LastException.Message)
               Return RelativeLT
           End Try              
End Sub

Robert Valentino

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Have you tried this with a TabStrip on the page. I was having trouble getting the right location for a field on TabStrip page.

Robert Valentino

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I found this works

'  Get this Views relative position on the screen
Public  Sub GetRelativeLT(V As JavaObject) As TRelativeLT
           Dim RelativeLT As TRelativeLT
           Return GetRelative_LT(RelativeLT, V)   
End Sub

Private Sub GetRelative_LT(RelativeLT As TRelativeLT, V As JavaObject) As TRelativeLT
               '  Just in case the Passed Structure has not been Initialized
               If  RelativeLT.IsInitialized = False Then
               End If
               '  Get the Parent to this View
                 Dim parent      As Object = V.RunMethod("getParent", Null)

               '  If Parent is Null then Done
                 If  parent = Null                                                                            Then
                   Return RelativeLT
               End If

               '  If Parent Type is ANY of these we are Done
                 Dim parentType As String = GetType(parent)

               '  It turns out that if we get the Parent of the ScrollView we can work our way right down the children              
               If  parentType = "anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.ScrollViewWrapper$MyScrollView"               Then
                   V        = parent
                   parent    = V.RunMethod("getParent", Null)
                   If  parent = Null Then
                       Return RelativeLT
                   End If
               End If

               '  If it is a ViewPager - we just need to keep going  - SEEMS to handle TabStrip
               If  parentType = "androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager"                                      Then
                   Return GetRelative_LT(RelativeLT, parent)              
               End If
                If  parentType = "android.view.ViewRoot"                                                    Then Return RelativeLT
                If  parentType = "android.view.ViewRootImpl"                                                Then Return RelativeLT
                If  parentType = "android.widget.FrameLayout"                                               Then Return RelativeLT
                If  parentType = "android.widget.FrameLayout$LayoutParams"                                  Then Return RelativeLT
                If  parentType = "anywheresoftware.b4a.BALayout$LayoutParams"                               Then Return RelativeLT
                If  parentType = "anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.HorizontalScrollViewWrapper$MyHScrollView"   Then Return RelativeLT
                If  parentType = "anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.IME$ExtendedBALayout"                        Then Return RelativeLT
                If  parentType = "flm.b4a.scrollview2d.ScrollView2DWrapper$MyScrollView"                    Then Return RelativeLT

               '  OK - ADD on this Views Left and Top variables
                   Dim VW As View = V

               RelativeLT.Left = RelativeLT.Left + VW.Left
               RelativeLT.Top  = RelativeLT.Top  + VW.Top
#if debug
               Log("RelativeLT (l/t):" &RelativeLT.Left &" / " &RelativeLT.Top &"   View (l/t):" &VW.Left &" / " &VW.Top &"  (w/h):" &VW.Width &" / " &VW.Height)                              
#end If
               '  Get the settings for our Parent
               Return GetRelative_LT(RelativeLT, parent)              
               '  I DO NOT like just catching errors
               '    But if we are here then I have missed some new type Log a then Exception msg
               Log("GetRelative_LT - Error" &LastException.Message)
               Return RelativeLT
           End Try              
End Sub

I use it to position a popup dropdown menu selection and it seems to be working with a Tabstip on the page


  • Screenshot_2019-11-06-11-16-46.png
    112 KB · Views: 305
  • Screenshot_2019-11-06-11-15-44.png
    106 KB · Views: 309
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Robert Valentino

Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
BUT I did find one strange problem

When my app initially starts I get this for a device list

GetRelativeLT - Start

AFTER Rotating the screen I get this

GetRelativeLT - Start

If I back out to the main menu and come in again I get the full list again

GetRelativeLT - Start

NOT sure why I get only a short list after rotating the screen - will have to dig deeper. BUT does work when I get the full list.