B4A Library NFC Tagwriter and iBeacon libraries for free


I have decided to release the NFC Tagwriter and iBeacon library for free within two weeks.

My company ThingsTank (.com) has spent around EUR 500 to get these created but I donate them with pleasure to this great community.

Currently i'm working on a few samples around these libraries which have been written by Tomas. The libraries work fine but support is not provided.

As ThingsTank we have used the two libraries for some prototypes for a few customers and they work extremely well.

I hope in the end someone wants to maintain them, I have the source code in my possession.

My vision is that a mix of these nearby technologies can really work together well in retail, healthcare and events.


Hans Blaauw

Update: I have attached a sample project and the library files in the libs folder for writing NFC tags.

Update 17/08/2014: You can find the iBeacon library and simple sample here: <deleted link>

Update: 04/11/1014
We have to take the download link for the iBeacon library down. We used a version of Radius Networks Android library but this company has taken down all libraries because Apple is forcing them to do so because of the iBeacon specification. See this article: http://beekn.net/2014/07/ibeacon-for-android/


  • tt_nfcwriter.zip
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I know beggars can't be choosers but with this library, is it possible to use the Android Device as an (NDEF) TAG instead of a reader/writer ?
I did see a few questions on this board (even a wish) of the same sort.



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Unfortunately it is NOT possible to use this library for Host Card Emulation. I think you will not find any tool right now to do that. A company called https://www.simplytapp.com/ might do what you want.

Keep in mind, lots of the payment market isn't for small developers. There is a big infrastructure of companies that provide services to be able to do something with payments.

I also would like to use my phone as a emulated tag without actually using it for payments, but I think it will not happen.


Hans Blaauw


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One additional remark, peer to peer (beam) is another way to do it. However, there are no libraries for B4A available.

We have done some peer to peer 2 years ago for one to one payments with a wallet, it worked out well.


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Hi, Bluedude, I can't wait to use the ibeacon Lib, I have a project that need to be done in 6 weeks that will install 300 beacons in a site. Maybe I can provide some real data for this community soon.


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Hi all,

Just back from a holiday and had no time to upload the iBeacon library.


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Unfortunately it is NOT possible to use this library for Host Card Emulation. I think you will not find any tool right now to do that. A company called https://www.simplytapp.com/ might do what you want.

Keep in mind, lots of the payment market isn't for small developers. There is a big infrastructure of companies that provide services to be able to do something with payments.

I also would like to use my phone as a emulated tag without actually using it for payments, but I think it will not happen.


Hans Blaauw


Your tagwriter is working. Kudos. I'm able to write NDEF Record0 on a ntag203 I ordered online.

Also ordered the 'Dynamic' NFC tag from TI http://www.ti.com/tool/rf430cl330htb. This way I CAN use the Android as an emulated TAG although It will ONLY be a (kind of) NDEF tag. No fancy encryption and read-only serialnumbers, but that is okay with me.
I'm waiting for the TI package, i'll hook up my Raspi for the I2C part and let you know if my brain was on the right track :)
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Sweet, I got my ibeacon module a few days ago.

Is the iBeacon library available?
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Hello Dude,
many thank's again.
I have just tried your sample and it runs at the first time. It recognizes the beacon I bought here: http://www.easibeacon.com/
I want to experiment this "toys" because I think they are very interesting and I have some idea

1) Can I contribute to your work with an offer?
2) Do you have some documentation about the library?