Android Question What libraries are needed for this variable ?


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Isn't it this class ?
Edit: I mean the class is inside the Zip attached to the first post
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Longtime User
'Class module
' reads ID3 Metadata (strings and bitmaps) from an mp3 file
' Version 1.1
' 2012/09/10 written by J.Bergmann
' Version history
' V 1.1 - 2012/09/26: fixed an error with id3v2.2 tags
' Currently this class only reads id3v2.3 and id3v1 tags
' id3v2.4 tags are not fully supported
' id3v2.2 tags are not supported
Sub Class_Globals
    'Public Properties:
    Public Directory As String
    Public Filename As String
    Public Version As Int
    Public Revision As Int
    Public Flags As Int
    Public TagSize As Long           
    Public Title As String
    Public Artist As String
    Public Band As String
    Public Album As String
    Public Year As String
    Public Track As String
    Public Genre As String
    Public Comment As String
    Public Copyright As String
    Public Bpm As String
    Public Frames As Map
    Public Pictures As Map
    Public Comments As Map
    Public OtherData As Map
    Public Exists As Boolean
    Public Errcode As Int
    Public ErrPosition As Long
    Public hasPictures As Boolean
    Type ID3_PictureTypes( _
        PIC_OTHER             As Int, _
        PIC_ICON_PNG32         As Int, _
        PIC_ICON             As Int, _
        PIC_COVER             As Int, _
        PIC_BACKCOVER        As Int, _
        PIC_LEAFLET         As Int, _
        PIC_MEDIA            As Int, _
        PIC_LEADARTIST        As Int, _
        PIC_ARTIST            As Int, _
        PIC_CONDUCTOR       As Int, _
        PIC_BAND             As Int, _
        PIC_COMPOSER        As Int, _
        PIC_TEXTWRITER        As Int, _
        PIC_LOCATION        As Int, _
        PIC_RECORDING        As Int, _
        PIC_PERFORMANCE        As Int, _
        PIC_MOVIE            As Int, _
        PIC_FISH            As Int, _
        PIC_ILLUSTRATION    As Int, _
        PIC_ARTISTLOGO        As Int, _
        PIC_COMPANYLOGO     As Int)
    Public PictureTypes As ID3_PictureTypes
    PictureTypes.PIC_OTHER              = 0
    PictureTypes.PIC_ICON_PNG32      = 1
    PictureTypes.PIC_ICON             = 2
    PictureTypes.PIC_COVER           = 3
    PictureTypes.PIC_BACKCOVER      = 4
    PictureTypes.PIC_LEAFLET         = 5
    PictureTypes.PIC_MEDIA            = 6
    PictureTypes.PIC_LEADARTIST        = 7
    PictureTypes.PIC_ARTIST            = 8
    PictureTypes.PIC_CONDUCTOR       = 9
    PictureTypes.PIC_BAND            = 10
    PictureTypes.PIC_COMPOSER        = 11
    PictureTypes.PIC_TEXTWRITER        = 12
    PictureTypes.PIC_LOCATION        = 13
    PictureTypes.PIC_RECORDING        = 14
    PictureTypes.PIC_PERFORMANCE    = 15
    PictureTypes.PIC_MOVIE            = 16
    PictureTypes.PIC_FISH            = 17
    PictureTypes.PIC_ILLUSTRATION    = 18
    PictureTypes.PIC_ARTISTLOGO        = 19
    PictureTypes.PIC_COMPANYLOGO    = 20
    Type ID3_Encodings( _
        ENC_8859_1             As Int, _
        ENC_UTF_16            As Int, _
        ENC_UTF_16BE        As Int, _
        ENC_UTF_8            As Int)
    Public Encodings As ID3_Encodings
    Encodings.ENC_8859_1        = 0
    Encodings.ENC_UTF_16        = 1
    Encodings.ENC_UTF_16BE      = 2
    Encodings.ENC_UTF_8            = 3
    Type ID3_Frame( _
        Name                As String, _
        Label                 As String, _
        Start                 As Int, _
        Size                As Int, _
        Flags1                As Int, _
        Flags2                As Int, _
        Encoding            As ID3_Encodings, _
        Content                As String)
    Type ID3_Picture( _
        Label                 As String, _
        Start                As Long, _
        Size                As Int, _
        Flags1                As Int, _
        Flags2                As Int, _
        Encoding            As Int, _
        MimeType            As String, _
        Picuretype            As Int, _
        Description            As String)

    Type ID3_Comment( _
        Label                 As String, _
        Encoding               As Int, _
        Start                 As Int, _
        Size                As Int, _
        Flags1                As Int, _
        Flags2                As Int, _
        Language             As String, _
        Description            As String, _
        Content                As String)
    Type ID3_OtherData( _    
        Name                As String, _
        Label                As String, _
        Start                 As Int, _
        Size                As Int, _
        Flags1                As Int, _
        Flags2                As Int, _
        Encoding            As ID3_Encodings, _
        Content                As String)
    Type ID3_V1( _
        Title                 As String, _
        Artist                As String, _
        Album                As String, _
        Year                As String, _
        Comment                As String, _
        Track                As String, _
        Genre                As String)
    Public V1 As ID3_V1
'Private Variables
    Private mPicPos As Long
End Sub

'Initializes the ID3 object.
'Dir - mp3 file directory
'Fname - mp3 file name
Public Sub Initialize(Dir As String,fname As String)
Dim raf As RandomAccessFile
Dim pos As Long
Dim i As Int
Dim s As String
    Filename = fname
    Directory = Dir
    pos = mOpenFile(raf)
    If pos <=0 Then Return
    hasPictures = False
    If Version <3 Then Return   
    i = mGetAllFrames(raf)
    i = mGetAllPictures(raf)
    If i > 0 Then hasPictures = True
    Title        = mMakeSureDataExists(raf, "TIT2", True)
    Artist         = mMakeSureDataExists(raf, "TPE1", True)
    Band         = mMakeSureDataExists(raf, "TPE2", True)
    Album        = mMakeSureDataExists(raf, "TALB", True)
    Genre        = mMakeSureDataExists(raf, "TCON", False)
    If Version  = 4 Then
       Year     = mMakeSureDataExists(raf, "TDRC", False)
       Year     = mMakeSureDataExists(raf, "TYER", False)
    End If
    Bpm         = mMakeSureDataExists(raf, "TBPM", False)
    Track        = mMakeSureDataExists(raf, "TRCK", False)
    Copyright    = mMakeSureDataExists(raf, "TCOP", False)
End Sub

'Reads ID3V1 Information
'dir - mp3 file directory
'fname - mp3 file name
Public Sub ReadVersion1()
Dim raf As RandomAccessFile
Dim charset As String
    If File.Exists(Directory,Filename)=False Then
       Log (Directory & "/" & Filename & " doesn't exist.")
    End If
    raf.Initialize2(Directory,Filename, True,False)
    If raf.Size < 128 Then
       Log ("No ID3v1 tag found")
    End If
    Dim buffer(128) As Byte
    raf.ReadBytes(buffer, 0, 3, raf.Size - 128)
    If BytesToString(buffer, 0, 3, charset) <> "TAG" Then
        Log("No ID3v1 tag found.")
        Exists = True
    End If
    raf.ReadBytes(buffer, 0, 30, raf.CurrentPosition)
    V1.Title= mBytesToString(buffer, 30, charset)
    raf.ReadBytes(buffer, 0, 30, raf.CurrentPosition)
    V1.Artist= mBytesToString(buffer, 30, charset)
    raf.ReadBytes(buffer, 0, 30, raf.CurrentPosition)
    V1.Album= mBytesToString(buffer, 30, charset)
    raf.ReadBytes(buffer, 0, 4, raf.CurrentPosition)
    V1.Year = mBytesToString(buffer, 4, charset)
    raf.ReadBytes(buffer, 0, 28, raf.CurrentPosition)
    V1.Comment= mBytesToString(buffer, 28, charset)
    raf.ReadBytes(buffer, 0, 2, raf.CurrentPosition)
    V1.Track= mBytesToString(buffer, 2, charset)
    V1.Genre = raf.ReadUnsignedByte(raf.CurrentPosition)
End Sub
'returns an attached bitmap
'Pictype - use one of the ID3_Picturetypes constants
'return value - Bitmap or null, if PicType does not exist
Public Sub GetBitmap (PicType As Int) As Bitmap
    Dim raf As RandomAccessFile
    Dim dir,fname As String
    Dim Buffer() As Byte
    Dim bmp As Bitmap
    Dim ips As InputStream
    If Pictures.ContainsKey(PicType) = False Then Return Null
    Dim pic As ID3_Picture
    pic = Pictures.Get(PicType)
    'Read Image From File into byte buffer
    Dim raf As RandomAccessFile
    raf.Initialize(Directory, Filename, True)
    Dim Buffer(pic.Size)As Byte
    raf.ReadBytes(Buffer, 0,pic.Size,pic.start)
    Return bmp
End Sub

Public Sub Cover() As Bitmap
    Dim pic As ID3_Picture
    Dim pictype As Int
    If hasPictures=False Then Return Null
    If Pictures.ContainsKey(pictype) Then
       Return GetBitmap(pictype)
       Return GetBitmap(pic.Picuretype)
    End If  
End Sub

'Private Methods:
Private Sub mGetAllFrames(raf As RandomAccessFile) As Int

Dim pos As Long
Dim Buffer(4) As Byte
Dim l,n,x As Int
Dim counter As Int
Dim xsize As Int
Dim s,charset As String
Dim skip As Boolean
Dim isTextFrame As Boolean

    pos = 10
    Do Until (pos>=TagSize)
        Errcode = 0
        ErrPosition = 0
        Dim frame As ID3_Frame
        Dim Other As ID3_OtherData
        Dim Buffer(4) As Byte
        n = raf.ReadBytes(Buffer,0,4,pos)
        Select True
        Case (n < 4): Errcode = 1 'EOF
        Case (Buffer(0)=0): Errcode = 2 'End of Tag, Padding
        Case (Buffer(1)=0): Errcode = 3
        Case (Buffer(1)=0): Errcode = 4
        Case (Buffer(2)=0): Errcode = 5
        End Select
        If Errcode > 0 Then Exit
        frame.Start = pos
        x = raf.readint(pos)
        x = mUnsynchSafe(x)
        If (frame.Name <> "APIC") AND (x > 1000) Then
            Errcode = 6
        End If
        frame.Size = x
        'Log( & " Size: " & frame.size)
        pos = pos + 4
        'Frame Flag 1:
        x = raf.ReadUnsignedByte(pos)
        s = Bit.ToBinaryString(x)
        'Log( & " Flags1: " & s)
        pos=pos + 1
        'Frame Flag 2:
        x = raf.ReadUnsignedByte(pos)
        s = Bit.ToBinaryString(x)
        'Log( & " Flags2: " & s)
        pos =pos + 1
        '--------------------------------------'End of Header
        skip = False
        isTextFrame = False
        Select True
                   Case frame.Name.StartsWith("T")
                    'Text Frame
                    isTextFrame = True
                Case (frame.Name="COMM")
                    'More than 1 comment possible
                    Dim cm As ID3_Comment
                    'In the real world there is a lot of garbage in the comment frame
                    'Encoding byte:
                    'Log(frame.Name & " Encoding: " & x)
                    charset = mGetCharset(x)
                    cm.Encoding = x
                    pos = pos + 1
                    'Comment Language
                    Dim Buffer(3) As Byte
                    raf.ReadBytes(Buffer,0, 3,pos)
                    s=mBytesToString2(Buffer, 3,"8859-1")
                    pos=pos +3
                    'Comment Description skipped
                    'because of garbage
                    cm.Description = ""
                    cm.Label = mFrameLabel("COMM")
                    'Comment Content:
                    x=frame.start + 10 + frame.Size - pos
                    If x > 0 Then
                       Dim Buffer(x)As Byte
                       raf.ReadBytes(Buffer,0, x,pos)
                       'Encoding byte in Comments contains often garbage. Use "8859-1" instead
                       s=mBytesToString2(Buffer, x,"8859-1")
                       cm.Content = s
                       cm.Content = ""
                    End If
                    If Comment = "" Then Comment = cm.Content
                    pos = frame.Start + 10 + frame.Size
                    counter = counter +1
                Case (frame.Name = "IPLS") 'Involved People List
                     isTextFrame = True
                Case (frame.Name = "UFID") 'Unique File Identifier
                     Other.Content = "Unique File Identifyer (binary Data)"
                     skip = True
                Case (frame.Name = "ETCO") 'Event Timing Codes
                     Other.Content = "Event Timing Codes"
                     skip = True
                Case (frame.Name = "MLLT") 'MPEG Location Lookup Table
                     Other.Content = "MPEG Location Lookup Table"
                     skip = True
                Case (frame.Name = "SYTC") 'Synchronised tempo code
                     Other.Content = "Synchronised tempo table"
                     skip = True
                Case (frame.Name = "USLT") 'Unsynchronised Lyrics
                     'To do
                     Other.Content = "Unsynchronised Lyrics"
                     skip = True
                Case (frame.Name = "SYLT") 'Synchronised lyrics
                     'To do
                     Other.Content = "Synchronised lyrics"
                     skip = True
                Case (frame.Name= "MCDI") 'Audio CD TOC as Binary Data
                    Other.Content="<Audio CD TOC (binary Data)"
                    skip = True
                Case (frame.Name = "GEOB") 'General encapsulated object
                     Other.Content = "General encapsulated Object (binary Data)"
                     skip = True
                Case (frame.Name = "PCNT") 'Play Counter
                     Other.Content = "Playcounter"
                     skip = True
                Case (frame.Name = "POPM")'Popularimeter
                     Other.Content = "Popularimeter"
                     skip = True
                Case (frame.Name = "RBUF")'Recommended Buffer Size
                     Other.Content = "Recommended buffer size"
                     skip = True
                Case (frame.Name = "AENC")
                     Other.Content = "Audio encryption"
                     skip = True
                Case (frame.Name = "POSS")
                     Other.Content = "Position information frame"
                     skip = True    
                Case (frame.Name = "USER")
                     Other.Content = "Terms of use"
                     skip = True    
                Case (frame.Name = "OWNE")
                     Other.Content = "Ownership frame"
                     skip = True    
                Case (frame.Name = "COMR")
                     Other.Content = "Commercial frame"
                     skip = True    
                Case (frame.Name = "ENCR")
                     Other.Content = "Encryption method"
                     skip = True    
                Case (frame.Name = "GRID")
                     Other.Content = "Group Identification"
                     skip = True
                Case (frame.Name = "PRIV")
                     Other.Content = "Private Frame"
                     skip = True    
                Case (frame.Name = "RVAD")
                     Other.Content = "Relative volume adjustment"
                     skip = True
                Case (frame.Name = "RVA2")'Version 4
                     Other.Content = "Relative volume adjustment"
                     skip = True
                Case (frame.Name = "EQUA")
                     Other.Content = "Equalisation settings"
                     skip = True
                Case (frame.Name = "EQU2")'Version 4
                     Other.Content = "Equalisation settings"
                     skip = True
                Case (frame.Name = "RVRB")
                     Other.Content = "Reverb settings"
                     skip = True
                Case (frame.Name ="APIC")
                    'APIC Frames are handled in mGetAllPictures
                    If mPicPos =0 Then mPicPos = frame.start
                    pos = frame.Start + 10 + xsize
                Case (frame.Name.StartsWith("W"))'URL
                    x=frame.start + 10 + frame.Size - pos
                    If x>0 Then
                       Dim Buffer(x)As Byte
                       raf.ReadBytes(Buffer,0, x,pos)
                       s=mBytesToString2(Buffer, x,"8859-1")
                       s = ""
                    End If  
                    frame.Label = mFrameLabel(frame.Name)
                    ''Log (frame.Name & " Content: " & frame.content)
                    pos = frame.Start + 10 + frame.Size
                    counter = counter +1
                Case (frame.Name = "LINK")
                     Other.Content = "Linked Information"
                     skip = True
                Case (frame.Name = "SIGN")
                     Other.Content = "Group Signature (binary Data)"
                     skip = True    
                Case (frame.Name = "ASPI")
                     Other.Content = "Audio Seek Point"
                     skip = True    
                Case (frame.Name.StartsWith("X"))
                    Other.Content = "Experimental Frame"
                    skip = True
                Case (frame.Name.StartsWith("Y"))
                    Other.Content = "Experimental Frame"
                    skip = True
                Case (frame.Name.StartsWith("Z"))
                    Other.Content = "Experimental Frame"
                    skip = True
                Case Else
                    Other.Content = "unknown"
                    skip = True
        End Select
        If skip = True Then
            ''Log (Other.Name & " Content: " & Other.content)
            pos = frame.Start + 10 + frame.Size
        End If
        If isTextFrame = True Then
           'Standard Text Frame
            pos = pos + 1
            s= mReadString(raf,pos,frame.Size-1,charset)
            If frame.Name = "TCOP" Then s = "Copyright © " & s
            frame.Content = s
            frame.Label = mFrameLabel(frame.Name)
            ''Log (frame.Name & " Content: " & frame.content)
            pos = frame.Start + 10 + frame.Size
            counter = counter +1
        End If
    If Errcode > 0 Then
       If Errcode = 2 Then
          Errcode = 0
          ErrPosition = pos
       End If
    End If  
    Return counter
End Sub
Private Sub mGetAllPictures(raf As RandomAccessFile) As Int

    Dim pos, pos1, FrameStart, offset As Long
    Dim psize As Int
    Dim Buffer() As Byte
    Dim mimetype As String
    Dim x As Int
    Dim enc As Int
    Dim description As String
    Dim isURL As Boolean
    Dim url As String
    Dim counter As Int
    Dim charset As String
    pos = mPicPos
    pos = mSeekString(raf, pos, 1000, "APIC", "")
    If pos<=0 Then Return 0
    Do Until (pos >= TagSize)
           Dim pic As ID3_Picture
        pos=mSeekString(raf, pos, 1, "APIC","")
        If pos<=0 Then Exit
        pic.Start = pos
        'Picture Size:
        pos = pos + 4
        psize = raf.readint(pos)
        ''Log("psize1: " & psize)
        pos = pos + 4'Size
        x = raf.ReadUnsignedByte(pos)
        pic.Flags1 = x
        pos = pos + 1
        pic.Flags2 = x
        pos = pos + 1'Flags
        '---------------End of Header
        FrameStart = pos
        enc = raf.ReadUnsignedByte(pos)
        charset = mGetCharset(enc)
        pic.Encoding = enc
        pos = pos + 1           
        'mime type: image/jpeg image/png
        Dim Buffer(128)As Byte
        raf.ReadBytes(Buffer,0, 128,pos)
        mimetype = mBytesToString(Buffer, 128,"8859-1")
        pos = pos + mimetype.Length
        If mimetype ="-->" Then
           isURL = True
           'URL instead of picture
        End If  
        'Terminator Byte(&0)
        x = raf.ReadUnsignedByte(pos)
        'should be &00
        'Picture Type
        pos = pos + 1
        x = raf.ReadUnsignedByte(pos)
        'Log("PictureType: " & x)
        'Seek terminator byte &00 after optional image description
        pos =pos+1
        Dim Buffer(64)As Byte
        raf.ReadBytes(Buffer,0, 64,pos)
        description=mBytesToString(Buffer, 64,charset)
        pos=pos + description.length'Encoding of Image Description
        pic.description = description
        ''Log ("Description: " & description)
        '''Log ("MimeType: " & mimetype)
        'Should be &FF
        pic.Start = pos
        pic.Size = psize
        pic.Label = mPictureLabel(pic.Picuretype)
        counter = counter + 1
    Return counter

End Sub
Private Sub mFrameLabel(FrameName As String) As String
    Dim l As String   
    Select FrameName
        'most important frames first
        Case "TIT2": l = "Title"
        Case "TPE1": l = "Artist"
        Case "TPE2": l = "Band"
        Case "TALB": l = "Album"
        Case "TCON": l = "Genre"
        Case "TBPM": l = "Beats per minute"
        Case "TRCK": l = "Track"
        Case "TYER": l = "Year"
        Case "COMM": l = "Comment"
        Case "AENC": l = "Audio encryption"
        Case "APIC": l = "Attached picture"
        Case "COMR": l = "Commercial frame"
        Case "ENCR": l = "Encryption method registration"
        Case "EQUA": l = "Equalization"
        Case "ETCO": l = "Event timing codes"
        Case "GEOB": l = "General encapsulated Object"
        Case "GRID": l = "Group identification registration"
        Case "IPLS": l = "Involved people List"
        Case "LINK": l = "Linked information"
        Case "MCDI": l = "Music CD identifier"
        Case "MLLT": l = "MPEG location lookup table"
        Case "OWNE": l = "Ownership frame"
        Case "PRIV": l = "Private frame"
        Case "PCNT": l = "Play counter"
        Case "POPM": l = "Popularimeter"
        Case "POSS": l = "Position synchronisation frame"
        Case "RBUF": l = "Recommended buffer size"
        Case "RVAD": l = "Relative volume adjustment"
        Case "RVRB": l = "Reverb"
        Case "SYLT": l = "Synchronized lyric/text"
        Case "SYTC": l = "Synchronized tempo codes"
        Case "TCOM": l = "Composer"
        Case "TCOP": l = "Copyright message"
        Case "TDAT": l = "Date"
        Case "TDLY": l = "Playlist delay"
        Case "TENC": l = "Encoded by"
        Case "TEXT": l = "Lyricist/Text writer"
        Case "TFLT": l = "File Type"
        Case "TIME": l = "Time"
        Case "TIT1": l = "Content group description"
        Case "TIT3": l = "Subtitle/Description refinement"
        Case "TKEY": l = "Initial key"
        Case "TLAN": l = "Language"
        Case "TLEN": l = "Length"
        Case "TMED": l = "Media Type"
        Case "TOAL": l = "Original album/movie/show title"
        Case "TOFN": l = "Original filename"
        Case "TOLY": l = "Original lyricist(s)/text writer(s)"
        Case "TOPE": l = "Original artist(s)/performer(s)"
        Case "TORY": l = "Original release year"
        Case "TOWN": l = "File owner/licensee"
        Case "TPE2": l = "Band/orchestra/accompaniment"
        Case "TPE3": l = "Conductor/performer refinement"
        Case "TPE4": l = "Interpreted, remixed, OR otherwise modified by"
        Case "TPOS": l = "Part of a set"
        Case "TPUB": l = "Publisher"
        Case "TRDA": l = "Recording dates"
        Case "TRSN": l = "Internet radio station name"
        Case "TRSO": l = "Internet radio station owner"
        Case "TSIZ": l = "Size"
        Case "TSRC": l = "ISRC (international standard recording code)"
        Case "TSSE": l = "Software/Hardware/Encoding settings"
        Case "TXXX": l = "User defined text information frame"
        Case "UFID": l = "Unique File identifier"
        Case "USER": l = "Terms of use"
        Case "USLT": l = "Unsychronized lyric/text transcription"
        Case "WCOM": l = "Commercial information webpage"
        Case "WCOP": l = "Copyright/Legal information webpage"
        Case "WOAF": l = "Official audio File webpage"
        Case "WOAR": l = "Official artist/performer webpage"
        Case "WOAS": l = "Official audio source webpage"
        Case "WORS": l = "Official internet radio station homepage"
        Case "WPAY": l = "Payment webpage"
        Case "WPUB": l = "Publishers official webpage"
        Case "WXXX": l = "User defined URL link frame"
        'New ID3v2.4 Frames
        Case "ASPI": l = "Audio seek point index"
           Case "EQU2": l = "Equalisation(2)"
          Case "RVA2": l = " Relative volume adjustment(2)"
         Case "SEEK": l = "Seek frame"
        Case "SIGN": l = "Signature frame"
        Case "TDEN": l = "Encoding time"
        Case "TDOR": l = "Original release time"
        Case "TDRC": l = "Recording time"
        Case "TDRL": l = "Release time"
        Case "TDTG": l = "Tagging time"
        Case "TIPL": l = "Involved people List"
        Case "TMCL": l = "Musician credits List"
        Case "TMOO": l = "Mood"
        Case "TPRO": l = "Produced notice"
        Case "TSOA": l = "Album sort order"
        Case "TSOP": l = "Performer sort order"
        Case "TSOT": l = "Title sort order"
        Case "TSST": l = "Set subtitle"
        Case Else: l = "unknown"
    End Select
    Return l
End Sub
Private Sub mPictureLabel(x As Int) As String
Dim l As String

    Select x
        Case PictureTypes.PIC_ARTIST:        l = "Artist"
        Case PictureTypes.PIC_ARTISTLOGO:    l = "Artist Logo"
        Case PictureTypes.PIC_BACKCOVER:    l = "Backcover"
        Case PictureTypes.PIC_BAND:            l = "Band"
        Case PictureTypes.PIC_COMPANYLOGO:    l = "Company Logo"
        Case PictureTypes.PIC_COMPOSER:        l = "Composer"
        Case PictureTypes.PIC_CONDUCTOR:    l = "Conductor"
        Case PictureTypes.PIC_COVER:        l = "Cover"
        Case PictureTypes.PIC_FISH:            l = "Fish"
        Case PictureTypes.PIC_ICON:            l = "Other icon"
        Case PictureTypes.PIC_ICON_PNG32:    l = "Icon 32*32 png"   
        Case PictureTypes.PIC_ILLUSTRATION: l = "Illustration"
        Case PictureTypes.PIC_LEADARTIST:    l = "Leadartist"
        Case PictureTypes.PIC_LEAFLET:        l = "Leaflet"
        Case PictureTypes.PIC_LOCATION:        l = "Location"
        Case PictureTypes.PIC_MEDIA:         l = "Media"
        Case PictureTypes.PIC_MOVIE:        l = "Movie"
        Case PictureTypes.PIC_OTHER:        l = "Other"
        Case PictureTypes.PIC_PERFORMANCE:    l = "Performance"
        Case PictureTypes.PIC_RECORDING:    l = "Recording"
        Case PictureTypes.PIC_TEXTWRITER:    l = "Textwriter"
        Case Else:                             l = "unknown"
    End Select   
    Return l
End Sub

Private Sub mMakeSureDataExists(raf As RandomAccessFile, Framename As String, seek As Boolean)
Dim s As String
Dim f As ID3_Frame
    If Frames.ContainsKey(Framename) Then
        f = Frames.Get(Framename)
        s = f.Content
        If (Errcode > 0) AND (seek = True) Then
           'if ID3 Tag had Errors, try to get single Frame
           s = mGetTextFrame(raf,0,Framename)
        End If  
    End If   
    Return s
End Sub
Private Sub mOpenFile(raf As RandomAccessFile) As Long
Dim pos As Long
    If File.Exists(Directory, Filename)=False Then
       'Log (Dir & "/" & fname & " doesn't exist.")
       Return -1
    End If 
    raf.Initialize2(Directory, Filename, True,False)
    If raf.Size < 3 Then
       'Log ("No ID3 Tag found")
       Return 0
    End If
    If pos<=0 Then
       'Log ("No ID3 Tag found")
       Return 0
    End If
    Return pos
End Sub
Private Sub mReadHeader(raf As RandomAccessFile) As Long
Dim buffer(3) As Byte
Dim s As String
Dim x As Int
Dim pos As Long
    s = mBytesToString(buffer,3,"8859-1")
    If s <> "ID3" Then
       Return -1
       Exists = True
    End If  
    Version = raf.ReadUnsignedByte(3)
    Revision = raf.ReadUnsignedByte(4)
    Flags = raf.ReadUnsignedByte(5)
    s = Bit.ToBinaryString(Flags)
    'Log ("Flags:" & s)           
    x =raf.ReadInt(6)
    'Log("TagSize before conversion: " & x)
    TagSize = x + 10 'plus Header Size
    Log("TagSize: " & TagSize)
    If mCheckTagSize(raf, TagSize)=False Then
       'this will take a while
    End If
    Return 11 
End Sub
Private Sub mReset
    Version = 0
    Revision = 0
    Flags = 0
    TagSize = 0
    Album = ""
    Artist = ""
    Title = ""
    Year = ""
    Track = ""
    Genre = ""
    Comment = ""
    Copyright = ""
    Bpm = ""
    Exists = False
    ErrPosition = 0
    mPicPos = 0
End Sub
Private Sub mCheckTagSize(raf As RandomAccessFile, size As Long) As Boolean
Dim x As Int
    If x=0xFF Then     ' = 1111 1111
       If x>=0xE0 Then '>= 1110 0000
          'mpeg frame found
          Return True
          Errcode = 7  'Wrong id3 tag size found
          ErrPosition = size
       End If
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub mGetTextFrame(raf As RandomAccessFile,StartOffset As Long,FrameName As String) As String
    Dim pos As Long
    Dim l As Int
    Dim x As Int
    Dim s As String
    Dim charset As String
    Dim offset As Int
    Dim maxbytes As Int
    maxbytes = 5000
    pos = mSeekString(raf, StartOffset,maxbytes,FrameName,"8859-1")
    If pos <= 0 Then Return ""
    'Frame Flags:
    'Log(FrameName & " Encoding: " & s)
    Select x
        Case 0: charset="8859-1"
        Case 1: charset="UTF-16"
        Case 2: charset="UTF-16BE"
        Case 3: charset="UTF-8"
        Case Else: charset="UTF-8"
    End Select
    offset = 11
    s = mReadString(raf,pos+offset,l-1,charset)
    'Log (FrameName & " Value: " & s)
    Return s
End Sub
Private Sub mFindPicture(raf As RandomAccessFile) As Boolean
    Dim pos As Long
    pos = mSeekString(raf, 0, TagSize, "APIC","")
    If pos > 0 Then Return True
End Sub

Private Sub mGetCharset(enc As Int) As String
    Select enc
        Case Encodings.ENC_UTF_16
            Return "UTF-16"
        Case Encodings.ENC_UTF_16BE
             Return "UTF-16BE"
        Case Encodings.ENC_UTF_8
             Return "UTF-8"
        Case Else
            Return "8859-1"
    End Select
End Sub
Private Sub mSeekByte(raf As RandomAccessFile,pos As Long,maxsteps As Int, value As Int) As Long
Dim x As Int

     Do Until (pos >= pos+maxsteps)
       x = raf.ReadUnsignedByte(pos)
       If x = value Then Return pos
       pos = pos + 1
     Return -1
End Sub
Private Sub mSeekBytePattern(raf As RandomAccessFile,pos As Long,maxsteps As Long,values() As Byte) As Long
    Dim i, x, len, success As Int
    len = values.Length
    Dim buffer(len) As Byte   
    Do Until pos >= (pos + maxsteps)
        x = raf.ReadBytes(buffer,0,len,pos)
        If x < len Then Return 0
        If buffer(0) = values(0) Then
            For i = 1 To len-1
                  If buffer(i) = values(i) Then
                  End If    
              If success=len-1 Then Return pos
           End If
           pos = pos +1
End Sub
Private Sub mSeekMP3Frame(raf As RandomAccessFile,pos As Long) As Long
    Dim x As Int
    Dim maxsteps As Long
    maxsteps = raf.size
    If pos < 0 Then pos = 0
    Do While (pos < maxsteps)
        If x = 0xFF Then     ' = 1111 1111
            x = raf.ReadUnsignedByte(pos + 1)
              If x >= 0xE0 Then '>= 1110 0000
                 'mpeg frame start found
                 Return pos
            End If
        End If
        pos=pos + 1
    Return -1 'no success
End Sub

Private Sub mBytesToString(Buffer() As Byte, MaxLength As Int,charset As String) As String
Dim s As String   
    For i = 0 To MaxLength - 1
        If Buffer(i) = 0 Then
           s= BytesToString( Buffer, 0, i,  charset)
           Return s.Trim
        End If  
    s= BytesToString(Buffer, 0, MaxLength, charset)
    Return s.trim
End Sub
Private Sub mBytesToString2(Buffer() As Byte,maxlength As Int,charset As String) As String
Dim s As String   
    For i = 0 To maxlength - 1
        If Buffer(i) <  32 Then Buffer(i) = 32
        If Buffer(i) > 253 Then Buffer(i) = 32
    s= BytesToString(Buffer, 0, maxlength, charset)
    Return s.Trim
End Sub
Private Sub mSeekString(raf As RandomAccessFile, StartOffset As Long, maxbytes As Long, seeked As String, charset As String) As Long
Dim s As String
Dim l As Int
Dim pos As Long
Dim n As Int
   If charset = "" Then charset="8859-1"
   pos = StartOffset
   l = seeked.Length
   Dim b(l) As Byte
   n = l
   Do Until (n < l)
      n = raf.ReadBytes(b,0,l,pos)
      If (n < l) Then Return -1
      s = BytesToString(b, 0, l, charset)
      If s = seeked Then Return pos
      pos = pos + 1
      If pos > maxbytes Then Return -1
   Return -1 'no success
End Sub
Private Sub mReadString(raf As RandomAccessFile, pos As Long, l As Int, charset As String) As String
Dim b(l) As Byte
Dim n As Int
Dim s As String

    n = raf.ReadBytes(b,0, l,pos)
    s = BytesToString(b,0,l,charset)
    Return s
End Sub

Private Sub mSynchSafe(In As Int) As Int
    Dim out, mask As Int
    mask = 0x7F
    Do While Bit.Xor(mask, 0x7FFFFFFF) <> 0
        out = Bit.And(In, Bit.Not(mask))
        out = Bit.ShiftLeft(out, 1)
        out = Bit.Or(out, Bit.And(In, mask))
        mask = Bit.ShiftLeft(mask + 1, 8) - 1
        In = out
    Return out
End Sub
Private Sub mUnsynchSafe(In As Int) As Int
    Dim out, mask As Int
    mask = 0x7F000000
    Do While mask <> 0
        out = Bit.ShiftRight(out, 1)
        out = Bit.Or(out, Bit.And(In, mask))
        mask = Bit.ShiftRight(mask, 8)
    Return out
End Sub
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