Android Question Similar Language for Windows?


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Hi, I have a great android App that I wrote with ease in B4A It works great! Im trying to make the same Program for Windows! But I keep hitting dead ends!

All my app does is picks a zip file from a list on the internet, It then downloads the zip file and extracts it, nice and easy!

I haven't programmed for years on a PC, and only know basic! So far I have looked at

Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition - I can download a file no problem! but the zip part is way above my head, librarys and dlls after hours of getting them in the right place, VB just gives meaningless errors about namespaces and stuff (I really dont understand the structure of the program in VB anymore)

PureBasic, This does seem promising but everything seems to have weird names, I got a file to download but the program structure is nowhere near as simple as B4A to understand!

B4J, This was what I looked at first, as I sort of know B4A! however it appears that you cant use B4A llibs ect, so it doesn't have zip support?? (or does it)

The Question is what are you guys using to write windows software in that is similar to B4A? and supports file downloads, zip ect? (I really hope it exists)




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B4J, This was what I looked at first, as I sort of know B4A! however it appears that you cant use B4A llibs ect, so it doesn't have zip support?? (or does it)

Erel said the B4A library should work with B4J
The Question is what are you guys using to write windows software in that is similar to B4A?
B4J is my first choice. After that I could use LiveCode (but it is another world). And for some "cheap" projects or prototyping, I still use NeoBook IDE (another world)
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For political correctness: Yes, b4j is a great tool. Same libs, same code (almost) as b4a.

The real world: Microsoft and it's tools (Visual Studio) IS the standard for Desktop & Server applications.

@aidymp : You can't compare VS with b4j or assume that all "basic dialects" are the same. First there was b4a which IS THE GREATEST for developing Android apps. Main intention was to drop Java and make "BASIC" available for developing an professional app which is then 100% Java code in the end.

An yes, I use VS 2013 Express (similar to the Community Edition) to develop my desktop apps and I call the same server components (php) as my b4a apps do.

But this is a b4x forum. Using google you'll find tons of "how to donwload files from a website with" and "zip, unzip", etc.). Of course you've got to learn (as we had to)

Feel free to ask b4x questions here. You are welcome.
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For political correctness: Yes, b4j is a great tool. Same libs, same code (almost) as b4a.

The real world: Microsoft and it's tools (Visual Studio) IS the standard for Desktop & Server applications.

@aidymp : You can't compare VS with b4j or assume that all "basic dialects" are the same. First there was b4a which IS THE GREATEST for developing Android apps. Main intention was to drop Java and make "BASIC" available for developing an professional app which is then 100% Java code in the end.

An yes, I use VS 2013 Express (similar to the Community Edition) to develop my desktop apps and I call the same server components (php) as my b4a apps do.

But this is a b4x forum. Using google you'll find tons of "how to donwload files from a website with" and "zip, unzip", etc.). Of course you've got to learn (as we had to)

Feel free to ask b4x questions here. You are welcome.

So Basically, your saying YOU can program in Visual Studio 2013, and I shouldn't ask if there is something similar as B4A for Windows!

Well Done!
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No. Stop. Relax...

Of course you can ask. And I will answer and help if I can (as long it is accepted because it is a b4x forum)

You asked:
The Question is what are you guys using to write windows software in that is similar to B4A?

... and I answered

And yes, VS supports downloading files, zip (with additional libs of other VS users).

Describe what you are trying to do (download a zipped file from a website? Via php? From a folder?) and I will se what I can do for you.
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To clear thing up, if a question is related to the use, configuration, help regarding B4X then the question should be posted on the corresponding section, if (like in this case) the question is an open question then the CHIT CHAT thread (under the GENERAL section) would be the right place.
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Have you considered the possibility of calling another problem to handle the zip or unzip operation? I'm not up-to-date with the latest zip and file compression programs but you used to be able to shell the likes of WinZip with arguments to extract into a folder of your choosing etc.
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Have you considered the possibility of calling another problem to handle the zip or unzip operation
Good point but I do remember you that Erel said the BA4 zip library should work directly with B4J (link above). :)
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Have you considered the possibility of calling another problem to handle the zip or unzip operation? I'm not up-to-date with the latest zip and file compression programs but you used to be able to shell the likes of WinZip with arguments to extract into a folder of your choosing etc.

I have but i really want the same Android feel, install run and let it do its work, I don't want the NEED to have winzip or other zip apps installed. Hence the something like B4A question, but thanks for the suggestion.
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if you prefer to create a .net 4.5 application you can use the zipfile class in .net

I have looked at this, But I think my fundamental problem is that I don't know what the hell .net is! I have VS2013 with a view of just using visual basic side of it, but VS2013 is so VAST The actual concepts are just beyond me! Hence the reason I found B4A and bought it in less than a day, and have made around £3000 from it, its amazing! Which basically was why I asked if there was a similar B4A for Windows B4W! I would buy B4W NOW!
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The Archiver library works with B4J as well.

Should be very simple to implement with B4J (20 lines +-).

This is looking more and more promising, i'm just having trouble understanding the JFx thing. Erel you are GREAT!

Thank you so much for B4A
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