I have tried several times to load the new 6.5 version. It not only does not operate, but I now cannot use BB4p at all. Is it possible to send 6.5 in "exe" form instead of as "msi"? My Vista computer downloads the msi file into about 50 small files and not one is a familiar bb4p starting program. I am lost in space.
It should be a zip file that you are downloading. Where are you downloading it from? The zip should contain an msi which you
put on your desktop and double click. Describe exactly what are you doing and exactly what is happening at each step.
You seem to be a licenced user. Make sure you have a copy of your "license.txt" file from your "Basic4ppc Desktop" folder in a safe place while you struggle with this. Copy it back there once things are sorted.
When 6.5 is unzipped, there are two main files, one ending in "exe" for the device and one ending in "msi" for the desktop. When I try to run the msi file, it becomes unzipped into about 50 small files with names like 022304-2, etc. The download apparently removed some older bb4p programming because no other BB4P program will now function.
By "run" do you mean double-click on it? Try right click on it, the top menu item should be "Install" in bold. If it is not then your file associations for the msi are wrong. In any case there ought to be an "Install" option on that menu. If there is I would go to Control Panel->Programs and Features and remove any "Basic4ppc Desktop" entries you find before proceeding.
I think that there is a problem with your windows installer. When you double click on the msi file you should see an installation message. It shouldn't unzip the msi file.
As agraham wrote try to right click on the file and choose install.
I did get 6.5 to load. I have written a commercially sold file handling program in 6.0 which displays information on the screen. There are over 2000 lines to the program. It appears that 6.5 will not allow 'select' and 'case' as a means of jumping to other subs in the program. This means I would have to rewrite my entire program. Unless there is an easy answer, I will stay with 6.0.
Sub Sr0
Select AB
case 1:sr1 'AB=1 sr1=name of a sub
case 2:sr2 'AB=2 sr2=name of a sub
case else:sr3 'sr3=name of a sub
End Select
End Sub
In 6.0 the program will jump to sub sr1, sr2 or sr3 depending on the value of AB, but in 6.5 it will not proceed.
A cut and paste of your Sub code into a simple test works fine for me on 6.50. My guess is that the problem is elsewhere in the setting of AB which I assume to be a global variable.