Android Question Text.Contains


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I want to checkif text1.text.cotains only numbers ( there wont be any charachter different than a number ) is it possible to do it with text.contains ?



Licensed User
Longtime User
text1.contains checks if a string is found in text1.

If it's an edittext just Change the input_type to numbers so the user can only Input numbers (or decimal numbers if you like).

Otherwise do a loop and check the characters in that string with isNumber
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Licensed User
Longtime User
text1.contains checks if a string is found in text1.

If it's an edittext just Change the input_type to numbers so the user can only Input numbers (or decimal numbers if you like).

Otherwise do a loop and check the characters in that string with isNumber
my users can enter numbers or strings into textfiled. I dont want to limit them to numbers only. I want to do stg if there are only numbers and do another thing if not. Maybe i can use the loop example. ty
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Licensed User
Longtime User
text1.contains checks if a string is found in text1.

If it's an edittext just Change the input_type to numbers so the user can only Input numbers (or decimal numbers if you like).

Otherwise do a loop and check the characters in that string with isNumber
isnumber(text1.text) works for me . Thanks !
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