The ListView Control with a large number of itens WITH bitmaps from photos, got OUT OF MEMORY error.
What´s the best (or correct) way to show a image list from a folder (I got this error after some photos loaded)
Error in this line after some photos:
Downsampling image due to lack of memory: 4
Downsampling image due to lack of memory: 8
Downsampling image due to lack of memory: 16
Downsampling image due to lack of memory: 32
Downsampling image due to lack of memory: 64
java.lang.RuntimeException: Error loading bitmap (OutOfMemoryError)
What´s the best (or correct) way to show a image list from a folder (I got this error after some photos loaded)
lstFiles.AddTwoLinesAndBitmap2( "text1","text2", LoadBitmapSample(imageDir,imageFile,512,512),strFilePath)
Error in this line after some photos:
Downsampling image due to lack of memory: 4
Downsampling image due to lack of memory: 8
Downsampling image due to lack of memory: 16
Downsampling image due to lack of memory: 32
Downsampling image due to lack of memory: 64
java.lang.RuntimeException: Error loading bitmap (OutOfMemoryError)