Android Question 7.80 β - how to add a new device

Sergey Kravchenko

Active Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
DataFolder: C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\B4ASdkManager
Java Path: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_152\jre
Available Android Virtual Devices:
Parsing D:\AndroidSDK\build-tools\27.0.1\package.xmlParsing D:\AndroidSDK\build-tools\27.0.2\package.xmlParsing D:\AndroidSDK\emulator\package.xmlParsing D:\AndroidSDK\extras\android\m2repository\package.xmlParsing D:\AndroidSDK\extras\google\google_play_services\package.xmlParsing D:\AndroidSDK\extras\google\m2repository\package.xmlParsing D:\AndroidSDK\extras\google\market_apk_expansion\package.xmlParsing D:\AndroidSDK\extras\google\market_licensing\package.xmlParsing D:\AndroidSDK\extras\google\usb_driver\package.xmlParsing D:\AndroidSDK\extras\intel\Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager\package.xmlParsing D:\AndroidSDK\patcher\v4\package.xmlParsing D:\AndroidSDK\platform-tools\package.xmlParsing D:\AndroidSDK\platforms\android-10\package.xmlParsing D:\AndroidSDK\platforms\android-17\package.xmlParsing D:\AndroidSDK\platforms\android-19\package.xmlParsing D:\AndroidSDK\platforms\android-21\package.xmlParsing D:\AndroidSDK\platforms\android-24\package.xmlParsing D:\AndroidSDK\platfo...
id: 0 or "tv_1080p"
Name: Android TV (1080p)
OEM : Google
Tag : android-tv
id: 1 or "tv_720p"
Name: Android TV (720p)
OEM : Google
Tag : android-tv
id: 2 or "wear_round"
Name: Android Wear Round
OEM : Google
Tag : android-wear
id: 3 or "wear_round_chin_320_290"
Name: Android Wear Round Chin
OEM : Google
Tag : android-wear
id: 4 or "wear_square"
Name: Android Wear Square
OEM : Google
Tag : android-wear
id: 5 or "Galaxy Nexus"
Name: Galaxy Nexus
OEM : Google
id: 6 or "Nexus 10"
Name: Nexus 10
OEM : Google
id: 7 or "Nexus 4"
Name: Nexus 4
OEM : Google
id: 8 or "Nexus 5"
Name: Nexus 5
OEM : Google
id: 9 or "Nexus 5X"
Name: Nexus 5X
OEM : Google
id: 10 or "Nexus 6"
Name: Nexus 6
OEM : Google
id: 11 or "Nexus 6P"
Name: Nexus 6P
OEM : Google
id: 12 or "Nexus 7 2013"
Name: Nexus 7
OEM : Google
id: 13 or "Nexus 7"
Name: Nexus 7 (2012)
OEM : Google
id: 14 or "Nexus 9"
Name: Nexus 9
OEM : Google
id: 15 or "Nexus One"
Name: Nexus One
OEM : Google
id: 16 or "Nexus S"
Name: Nexus S
OEM : Google
id: 17 or "pixel"
Name: Pixel
OEM : Google
id: 18 or "pixel_c"
Name: Pixel C
OEM : Google
id: 19 or "pixel_xl"
Name: Pixel XL
OEM : Google
id: 20 or "2.7in QVGA"
Name: 2.7" QVGA
OEM : Generic
id: 21 or "2.7in QVGA slider"
Name: 2.7" QVGA slider
OEM : Generic
id: 22 or "3.2in HVGA slider (ADP1)"
Name: 3.2" HVGA slider (ADP1)
OEM : Generic
id: 23 or "3.2in QVGA (ADP2)"
Name: 3.2" QVGA (ADP2)
OEM : Generic
id: 24 or "3.3in WQVGA"
Name: 3.3" WQVGA
OEM : Generic
id: 25 or "3.4in WQVGA"
Name: 3.4" WQVGA
OEM : Generic
id: 26 or "3.7 FWVGA slider"
Name: 3.7" FWVGA slider
OEM : Generic
id: 27 or "3.7in WVGA (Nexus One)"
Name: 3.7" WVGA (Nexus One)
OEM : Generic
id: 28 or "4in WVGA (Nexus S)"
Name: 4" WVGA (Nexus S)
OEM : Generic
id: 29 or "4.65in 720p (Galaxy Nexus)"
Name: 4.65" 720p (Galaxy Nexus)
OEM : Generic
id: 30 or "4.7in WXGA"
Name: 4.7" WXGA
OEM : Generic
id: 31 or "5.1in WVGA"
Name: 5.1" WVGA
OEM : Generic
id: 32 or "5.4in FWVGA"
Name: 5.4" FWVGA
OEM : Generic
id: 33 or "7in WSVGA (Tablet)"
Name: 7" WSVGA (Tablet)
OEM : Generic
id: 34 or "10.1in WXGA (Tablet)"
Name: 10.1" WXGA (Tablet)
OEM : Generic
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(ArrayList) []
************** devices *********************
(ArrayList) []
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