Other B4A v6.30 has been released!


B4X founder
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Longtime User
I'm happy to release B4A v6.30.


There are many IDE related improvements in this update.
  • The docking and layout features are based on a new and improved framework. Floating code editors behave as regular windows.
  • Documentation tool tips while hovering over code elements:


  • Copy links in the tool tips that allow copying code examples.
  • Support for bookmarks:


  • New themes.
  • URLs in comments and strings are ctrl-clickable.
  • Class and module level documentation (taken from Process_Globals or Class_Globals subs).
  • Quick search shows a list of recent searches.
  • Designer uses the multiline text editor for text properties.
  • Unused libraries warning.
  • Debugger related improvements.
  • Custom views support "nullable colors". The default value of such fields looks like:


    This is an important feature as in many cases it is better not to set any color and use the system default.
  • Rect.Width and Height properties.
  • Service_TaskRemoved event added to the Starter service. This event is raised when the user closes the app from the recent apps list. This is an Android 4+ event.
  • FloatLabeledEditText - Text and hint colors can be set in the designer.
  • Regex.Replace / Replace2 - Regular expression replacement.
  • (Java) The Tag property is set when calling CustomView.replaceBaseWithView2 (replaceBaseWithView is deprecated).
  • _onkeydown and _onkeyup inline Java hooks.
  • Other bug fixes and minor improvements.
Note that the debug key has been replaced. If you are using B4A-Bridge then you will need to uninstall the existing developed app before deploying the new one (required once).

Users who are eligible for a free upgrade will receive an email with installation instructions.
Other users will receive an email with a discount offer.
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Roberto P.

Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User

I'm happy to release B4A v6.30.

  • Service_TaskRemoved event added to the Starter service. This event is raised when the user closes the app from the recent apps list. This is an Android 4+ event.

this is perfect to help me solve my problem module Service
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Active Member
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Longtime User
Thank you, this new version give me more options to learn B4A and use it in all my new projects. I needed a better autocomplete code help :)
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Active Member
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Longtime User
Excellent as always :) .

I noticed , when modules are in stand alone windows , when hovering over the B4A icon in taskbar, there is no captions - windows titles
in preview thumbnails.
Is that something that can be changed?
Btw. I'm using windows10 with anniversary update see picture :

It's not that is a big deal for me, I'm just posting my observation.
That's why I posted it here, if it is required, I can open a new thread for the issue.
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