B4J Code Snippet Remove Aliasing on Canvas horizontal and vertical lines

Hi all,

After many days searching on the web, finally I found a solution to my current problem.

javafx.scenes.canvas by default use antialiasing, this maybe is good on some cases, but if we draw Horizontal and Vertical lines we can see a pixel width of 2 pixels, not 1 pixel even if we use 1 as StrokeWidth for DrawLine method.

I've tried to decrease a StrokeWidth Double value to 0.5 - 0.3 - 0.1 but this not solved the problem, this just add a more light color, but the line width remain 2 pixels.

Now, starting from Java code and following this thread:

after I converted this code to B4J, I figured that solved my problem and now I can view horizontal and vertical lines with real 1 pixel line width.

The solution is really simple, just add 0.5 pixels offset to any X and Y coordinates (when draw line).
It is important to pass a real Double (or maybe even Float) value in the DrawLine method.

It is possible to add a variant inside B4J Canvas class for next releases?
Maybe it can do an illusion that antialias is turned off, so just may add a method to turn on or off and, if turned off translate any coordinate by 0.5 pixels
Or may the real solution is another? I'm unable to find a way to disable antialias on entire canvas, but may there is a way, tried with JavaObject but just fails....

I hope this can help many users with same problem.

This is a simple demostration of code, I also attached a B4J zip project and an image.


#Region Project Attributes
    #MainFormWidth: 620
    #MainFormHeight: 630
#End Region

Sub Process_Globals
    Private fx As JFX
    Private MainForm As Form
End Sub

Sub AppStart (Form1 As Form, Args() As String)
    MainForm = Form1
    MainForm.Title="This demo show how to remove aliasing on Canvas horizontal and vertical lines"
    Dim sharpCanvas As Canvas = createCanvasGrid(MainForm, 10, 10, 601, 301, True)
    Dim blurryCanvas As Canvas = createCanvasGrid(MainForm, 10, 320, 600, 300, False)

    sharpCanvas.DrawLine(0, 0, sharpCanvas.Width, sharpCanvas.Height, fx.Colors.Black, .7)
    sharpCanvas.DrawLine(0, sharpCanvas.Height, sharpCanvas.Width, 0, fx.Colors.Black, .7)
    blurryCanvas.DrawLine(0, 0, blurryCanvas.Width, blurryCanvas.Height, fx.Colors.Black, .7)
    blurryCanvas.DrawLine(0, blurryCanvas.Height, blurryCanvas.Width, 0, fx.Colors.Black, .7)
End Sub

Sub createCanvasGrid(form As Form, x As Int, y As Int, width As Int, height As Int, sharp As Boolean) As Canvas

  Dim cvs As Canvas
  form.RootPane.AddNode(cvs, x, y, width, height)

  For x = 0 To width Step 10
      Dim x1 As Double
      If sharp Then x1 = x + 0.5 Else x1 = x
      cvs.DrawLine(x1, 0, x1, height, fx.Colors.Black, 1.0)

  For y = 0 To  height Step 10
      Dim y1 As Double
      If sharp Then y1 = y + 0.5 Else y1 = y
      cvs.DrawLine(0, y1, width, y1, fx.Colors.Black, 1.0)

  Return cvs
End Sub

Screen Shot 10-22-16 at 02.37 AM.PNG


  • CanvasStrokeWidth.zip
    1.1 KB · Views: 470
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