Instead of generating AES keys using just Agraham's Encryption library:
We can improve it, specify the length of the key (128, 192 or 256) and the Bouncy Castle provider using Javaobject and Reflection library:
Replace 128 by the desired length. This may be needed because different Android implementations may generate by default 128 or 192 bit keys.
Dim key As KeyGenerator
We can improve it, specify the length of the key (128, 192 or 256) and the Bouncy Castle provider using Javaobject and Reflection library:
Dim key As KeyGenerator
Dim r As Reflector
Dim o As JavaObject = r.RunStaticMethod("javax.crypto.KeyGenerator", "getInstance", Array("AES", "BC"), Array As String("java.lang.String", "java.lang.String"))
o.RunMethod("init", Array As Object(128))
key.key = o.RunMethod("generateKey", Null)
Replace 128 by the desired length. This may be needed because different Android implementations may generate by default 128 or 192 bit keys.