TLS v1.1 is disabled in the latest version of jServer, as it is disabled in the underlying Jetty SDK.
It is considered a weak protocol and should be kept disabled in most cases.
However if you need to access the server with an old client then you might need to enable it.
This is done by adding these three lines to ConfigureSSL: before the call to srvr.SetSslConfiguration.
It is considered a weak protocol and should be kept disabled in most cases.
However if you need to access the server with an old client then you might need to enable it.
This is done by adding these three lines to ConfigureSSL: before the call to srvr.SetSslConfiguration.
Dim jo As JavaObject = ssl
jo.RunMethod("setIncludeCipherSuites", Array(Array As String("TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA")))
jo.RunMethod("setExcludeCipherSuites", Array(Array As String()))