This class is compatible with B4A, B4i and B4J.
Simple class that adds "badges" to views.
Usage example:
You can change the colors and radius in the class code.
The class is included in all three attached examples.
V3.10 - Fixes issue in B4A with targetSdkVersion = 28
V3.00 - Based on XUI. Requires XUI v1.20
Latest version is included in the B4A project.

Simple class that adds "badges" to views.
Usage example:
'increase badge by one.
badger1.SetBadge(Label1, badger1.GetBadge(Label1) + 1)
You can change the colors and radius in the class code.
The class is included in all three attached examples.
V3.10 - Fixes issue in B4A with targetSdkVersion = 28
V3.00 - Based on XUI. Requires XUI v1.20
Latest version is included in the B4A project.
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