Android Question HttpUtils2 - Web services


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Hi All,
I have a couple of doubts about "HttpUtils2 - Web services" library.

1) This approach is cross platform / language ?
I mean I can use it to call a web service implemented using php / asp or other platforms ?

2) Ho to do a call to a web service (for ex. that store a record within a remote db) ?

I mean:
Thinking about an existing web service that store some user data (filled by the user within the app) I can pass the user data to the web service using this code ?

'Send a POST request
job.Initialize("Job", Me)
job.PostString("", "firstname=John&lastname=Doe")

Sub JobDone
'Job done code ...
End If

Can I use the same approach also for iOS Apps ?


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Note that OkHttpUtils2 replaced HttpUtils2.

1) Yes.
2) It depends on the server configuration.

There are some
Note that OkHttpUtils2 replaced HttpUtils2.

1) Yes.
2) It depends on the server configuration.

Erel Thanks for your reply :)
OkHttpUtils2 is included in the last B4A release ?
The code in the first point 1) is ok also for the OkHttpUtils2 library ?

What you mean for the server configuration ? Is related to the Web Service configuration ?
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