GiLoWordsGamesUtils updated to version 1.8
Library useful to create word game apps, for any languages. Actually only English and Italian but I will add VERY SOON a method to import simple CSV file for any language
donate at least 15€ and I will send you this library
Library useful to create word game apps, for any languages. Actually only English and Italian but I will add VERY SOON a method to import simple CSV file for any language
- Initialize(CallBack As Object,EventName As String, logs As Boolean)
- SetLanguage(asLang As String)
if you want to create multiple languages you can use this property before loading the corresponding csv with the LoadCSVVocabulary command
- GetRandomWord(WordLength As Int) As String
Returns a WordLenght long random word pass -1 for any long
- WordExists(WordToSearch As String) As Boolean
Checks if a word exists (in the db, of course)
- FindAnagrams(Word As String) As List
Returns a list of anagrams of the given Word
- GetWordsFromLetters(Letters As String) As List
Returns a list of words containig the given Letters
- GetFilteredWords(filtro As String) As List
Returns a list of words using the given Filter.
Filter should include SQLite wildcards:
% represents zero, one, or multiple numbers or characters;
_ (underscore) represents a single character.
- GetFilteredWords2(filtro As List, notfiltro As List) As List
Returns a list of words using the specified filter. and excluding the words corresponding to the second filter
Filter should include SQLite wildcards:
% represents zero, one, or multiple numbers or characters;
_ (underscore) represents a single character.
- GetFilteredWordFromList(filtro As String,Parole As List) As List
Returns a list of words using the given Filter, the filter is applied to the list
Filter should include SQLite wildcards:
% represents zero, one, or multiple numbers or characters;
_ (underscore) represents a single character.
- CountWords(FirstLetter As String) As Long
Returns a count of words starting with FirstLetter
Pass empty string for all words (size of dictionary)
- AddingWordsFromList(wordlist As List)
To adding words in current DB from a List, one word for row
- LoadCSVVocabulary(dir As String,fil As String,ForceNew As Boolean)
To fill the vocabulary from a csv file, one word for row, if ForceNew is True the previous dictionary words Will be deleted
this is the first command to use, possibly after assigning a name to the vocabulary, ForceNew = False prevents the vocabulary from being created at each start, losing any changes made to the vocabulary itself
- DeleteWords(FilterType As String, FilterValue As String) As Int
Delete Words WHIT SQL Filter
Filter Type as "=", "LENGHT", "LIKE"
Filter Value as numeric or letteral example
type value
DeleteWords("=","example") delete 1 word
DeleteWords("LENGHT", ">10") delete any words whit lenght >10 letters
DeleteWords("LENGHT","<9") delete any words whit lenght <9 letters
DeleteWords("LENGHT", "=7") delete any words whit lenght =7 letters
DeleteWords("LIKE", "a%") delete any words start whit a
return number of delete words
- DeleteWordsFromList(ListWord As List) As Int
Deletes the words in the list
example of list: ('example','word','amb%')
eliminates the words example, word, and all words that begin with amb from the dictionary
- SetTimeOut(t As Long)
the GetWordsFromLetters function can be very demanding and long if many letters are passed, with this property we avoid excessive waiting but obtain partial results
- Levenshtein_distance(x As String, y As String) As Int
return Levenshtein distance, for more information see Wikipedia
- SuggestsCorrection(word As String) As List
for a mistaken word suggests a list of possible corrections
donate at least 15€ and I will send you this library

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