9 Best Cross-Platform Mobile App Development Tools


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It's fascinating how the landscape of different platforms challenges us to adapt our coding languages. Delphi indeed offers a unique approach, allowing us to leverage platform-specific features while maintaining a unified codebase. It's like having the best of both worlds!

I share your sentiment about B4A. While it's progressing nicely, there's still room for growth, especially when compared to languages with dedicated IDEs for all platforms. Nonetheless, its foundation in Basic, a language close to our hearts, adds a nostalgic touch to the development journey.

Here's to embracing the diversity of platforms and finding the right tools to navigate them seamlessly!


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These days things are easier and AI is turning the tables on everyone. just tell him (or her I don't know) to port a B4A project to iOS and boom. But you will have to wait a few seconds
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