_BeginEdit work, but I need to be able do something like AnotherDatapicker1.Show like in B4A reason is:
I need to have only one textfield with datetime (with blocked user input) if the person click I want to open datapicker he select date then I open time wheel - he select time and then I change value of that text field and I have date and time togenther and in right format "30.10.2018 10:00" at least that is how it work for me in B4A in B4i I am not able to show datapicker in any other way that click on the calendar button (That in final version I wont even show)..
Am I using right component for this purposes ?
How to do it in B4i ??
Even I would like to for various reasons I cannot do it publicly...
So what are my options ? upload ziped and password protected project ? and send you the password by email ?
or ?
When you click on calendar icon the datapicker is shown.
What I am trying to achieve is to open the datapicker when clicking on the text field on left side and then hide original datapicker fields