Android Question a Bluetooth B4A program with self created buttons.


Licensed User
Hi good afternoon.
I am looking for a Bluetooth B4A program with self created buttons.

Thank you.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Do you think you´ll get any useful answer with your request?

What exactly you are searching? What did you tried so far to reach the goal by yourself (upload your project, tell us where the problems are, post the error message(s) you got)
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Licensed User
Each button should send a text to the robot. "back" , "left", "right" usw....

Sub Process_Globals
End Sub

Sub Globals   
     Private hlinks As Button
     Private links As Button
    Private hrechts As Button
    Private mitte As Button
    Private rechts As Button
    Private vor As Button
    Private zurueck As Button
    Private v0 As Button
    Private v1 As Button
    Private v2 As Button
    Private ser0 As Button
    Private ser1 As Button
    Private sharp As Button
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)   
End Sub

Sub Activity_Resume
End Sub

Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)
End Sub

Sub Exit_App
End Sub

Sub rechts_Click
End Sub

Sub hrechts_Click
End Sub

Sub mitte_Click
End Sub

Sub hlinks_Click
End Sub

Sub links_Click
End Sub

Sub v0_Click
End Sub

Sub v1_Click
End Sub

Sub v2_Click
End Sub

Sub zurueck_Click
End Sub

Sub vor_Click
End Sub

Sub ser0_Click
End Sub

Sub ser1_Click
End Sub

Sub sharp_Click
End Sub
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Licensed User
Longtime User
If you are wondering why nothing happens when you click the Buttons. It is becauseof the empty subs. Nothing is done here so nothing will happen

I suggest to
- Search the forum on how to work with Bluetoothdevices.
- Search the forum on how to communicate with a Bluetoothdevice. Get informed about AsyncStreams.
- Read the docu of your "Robot" (whatever it is) on how to send commands to him. Try to find the answer here then if you exactly know what you want to do.
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Licensed User
For Bluetooth there are only RX and TX.

Button, send "back" to Bluetooth from Tablet to Robot.

And I do not know how with a Bluetooth program goes with B4A

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Licensed User
Longtime User
Solution found.

Buttons have been created and the robot is controlled.
Like so many others post "solution found" but with no (code) solution.

How can this help us?

You took the time to post your request for answer - please take the time to post your solution.
How else can we in the community learn from your findings (however we may have helped)? Your solution is most helpful.

Let's help make this the best forum on the web by supplying BOTH questions and resolves so others need search no further. As we know, searching often leads to dead ends EVEN thou the answers reside within various posts it doesn't find. When it does find a relation - we don't find a resolve... (incomplete).

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