B4J Question A host for B4J application ? [solved]


Licensed User
Longtime User
I am looking for host to run a B4J small app that checks my home servers every minute and reports problem if any.
Do you know of a place to put it ?
If not, I can always find place in my son's pc but how do I run a non-ui app without showing the command black window (which may annoy him) ?


Licensed User
Longtime User
I am checking with Heroku, but get lost in the process of uploading the application. Has anybody done that ?
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks to all the contributors, I have started with two, waiting to get the accounts.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Got it running with Heroku.
To do it:
start with Getting started with Java, clone an example project until the create command
continue with the link below
try the heroku-deploy CLI plugin.

It has a mechanism for deploying executable JAR files. You can run a command like:

$ heroku deploy:jar --jar powerMonitor.jar
You will also need to put a Procfile in the same directory you run the command. The Procfile must contain the process name and the Java command. It might look like this:

job: java -jar powerMonitor.jar

The Procfile is in the cloned project, just edit it like in the instructions.
PowerMonitor.jar is my application, make sure to write with the same letter case.
No need to install Java like the other vps services (which I couldn't get to even start working with).
The regular support led me in some wrong ways until I got a "java man" to give the above answer which work.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
There is a catch in the free account in Heroku - the application runs for 18 Hours and "recharges" (which mean it does not work) for 6 Hours in every 24 hours, as an incentive to buy the service.
To work around I made two entities of my program run in an overlapping time shift (but don't tell Heroku...)
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